Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 3

Today's workout went well.  I'm showing that ankle pain who's boss!  This time before heading out I did about 10 extra minutes more than usual of various stretches and I switched from my normal Asics running shoes to Adidas.  I can honestly say it's getting less painful!  The cross training strength exercises, done on the days when I don't run, seem to be helping too.  :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 2

Yay me, Day 2 of the 5k training is now completed!  Again the ankle pain started to kick in after the second running segment.  However, this time, the pain is almost completely gone since I've cooled down.  I keep wanting to run for more than a minute, (that's right about the time when I find I have my zone good and established) but the interval training is supposed to be really good for me right now.  I was told to think of a car starting and stopping, or in my case in town driving with a stretch of interstate thrown in every 4 minutes, and how it burns more fuel than continuous open road driving.

The day was bright and sunny all day!  I'm told this weekend their is going to be some fierce rain here in central Indiana. Troy took advantage of today's nice weather; riding his bike.   

 I took a leisurely stroll with Gladys and Troy this afternoon.  This crocheted water bottle/cell phone holder I made came in handy.  I got the idea from my neighbor Charlene.  She found a similar one at a flea market.  It's perfect for when your little ones still enjoy holding your hands for walks, like today.   :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Oh yes I did! 
 I love pizza.  So when I found a recipe for healthy, low calorie, low carb pizza, I could hardly contain my excitement. 
This beauty pictured above is the masterpiece.  It's surprisingly EASY to fix.

  All ya do is put some cauliflower (I used frozen), in a food processor until it looks like rice,

                                            then mix with eggs, cheese, garlic and herbs.

Simple as that!  There is no kneeding involved.

                                                  Spread it out on a pizza pan and bake. 

 Top with sauce and choice of toppings.  I've got me some finicky non veggie eaters in this household, so I just did cheese.  Little do they know I've done snuck the veggies in the crust.  ;)

Broil just until the cheese is all melty and goooey.
WaaaLa, it's a Pizza Pie!

Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Serves 6; Adapted from Your Lighter Side.


3 cup cooked, riced cauliflower
3 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
3 egg, beaten
3 tsp dried oregano
1 1/2 tsp crushed garlic
1/2 tsp garlic powder
pizza sauce, shredded cheese and your choice of toppings*

To "Rice" the Cauliflower:
Take 1 large head of fresh cauliflower, remove stems and leaves, and chop the florets into chunks. Add to food processor and pulse until it looks like grain. Do not over-do pulse or you will puree it. (If you don't have a food processor, you can grate the whole head with a cheese grater).

To Make the Pizza Crust:
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Spray a cookie sheet with non-stick cooking spray.
In a medium bowl, stir together cauliflower, egg and mozzarella. Add oregano, crushed garlic and garlic powder, stir. Transfer to the pizza sheet, and using your hands, pat out into a 16" round.
Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes.
Remove from oven. To the crust, add sauce, toppings and cheese. Place under a broiler until cheese is melted.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 1

Day 1-- checked.  I was planning to write on here that it was oh soo easy, but the truth is, I still had terrible ankle pain from a previous injury.  After about halfway through the second segment of running, my ankle became somewhat numb. My main concern is not to injure it anymore.  The first week is mostly walking, so I decided to just keep on going.  The walking is actually more painful than the running since I get the feeling back when I just walk.  However, I will stick to it exactly as planned.  :)
This was my view as I headed out; good thing I like being in the rain.


I know by now ya'll must think I'm a zucchini nut, oh well.  The delicious breakfast this morning was shredded zucchini, tomato, peppers, cheese, herbs, and egg backed until cooked.  Yum!

In other news, Troy lost his second tooth over the weekend.  The Tooth Fairy visited him last night and could not find where he placed the tooth.  He was using a special container for it, (an old Avon cream perfume heart.  Anyone remember those?) and holding it when I last seen it.  Anyway, now his lost tooth has gone missing. 

This past weekend was fun.  Yesterday we spent the day in Noblesville, Indiana.  We did some hiking at Potter's Covered Bridge.

                                         Gladys had fun getting her feet wet.

                                          Troy was into waving to all the kayakers.


Since we were in the neighborhood of Morse Park we decided to check it out too.  Here's the view of the dam:

 Of course with the low water levels the docks look rather sad:

                                         The view of the Morse Reservoir:
The kids had a good time playing.


Saturday, we spent the day at Summit State Park.  This is the view from the hill we picnicked on.  The other side of this peek is the beach. 
This spot worked out well to park the boat picnic, and go for a swim, because the other side of the peek is the beach.  Swimming is only allowed at the beach.
                                                      Summit Lake


Sunday, August 26, 2012

5k Training

I love new beginnings!  I am starting Day 1 of this 5k training schedule that I found at: .  The website is awesome, with all kinds of fitness tips and meal plans etc.  Also, they have a few different 5k programs to chose from.  I picked the intermediate one. 

Here's what mine looks like:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
1Walk for 4 minutes, then jog for 1 minute. Repeat 4 more times. (Total workout time: 25 minutes)Walk for 4 minutes, then jog for 1 minute. Repeat 4 more times. (Total workout time: 25 minutes)Walk for 4 minutes, then jog for 1 minute. Repeat 5 more times. (Total workout time: 30 minutes)
2Walk for 3 minutes, then jog for 1.5 minutes. Repeat 5 more times. (Total workout time: 27 minutes)Walk for 3 minutes, then jog for 1.5 minutes. Repeat 5 more times. (Total workout time: 27 minutes)Walk for 3 minutes, then jog for 1.5 minutes. Repeat 6 more times. (Total workout time: 31.5 minutes)
3Walk for 3 minutes, then jog for 2 minutes. Repeat 5 more times. (Total workout time: 30 minutes)Walk for 3 minutes, then jog for 2 minutes. Repeat 5 more times. (Total workout time: 30 minutes)Walk for 3 minutes, then jog for 2 minutes. Repeat 6 more times. (Total workout time: 36 minutes)
4Walk for 2 minutes then jog for 2.5 minutes. Repeat 5 more times. (Total workout time: 27 minutes)Walk for 2 minutes then jog for 2.5 minutes. Repeat 5 more times. (Total workout time: 27 minutes)Walk for 2 minutes then jog for 2.5 minutes. Repeat 6 more times. (Total workout time: 31.5 minutes)
5Walk for 3 minutes, then jog for 3 minutes. Repeat 5 more times. (Total workout time: 36 minutes)

Tomorrow is Day 1

Walk for 2 minutes, then jog for 3 minutes. Repeat 5 more times. (Total workout time: 30 minutes)RACE DAY! Walk for 2 minutes, then jog for 3 minutes. Repeat 5 or more times until you finish the 3.1-mile race!


Friday, August 24, 2012

My Sweethearts

This handsome guy is my cat, Dustball aka DustyB aka DB:

                            He's been my sweetheart since the day he was born, 15 years ago. 
He used to live in the barn on the farm.

Now he lives inside the house, usually right by me.  This was his room for the 3 hour move, back in January.  He sang to me all the way there-- Meeeeoowwwwww!  He has adjusted very well since the move.

                                 This pretty lady is my pooch Sophie aka Sophaloaf aka Loafie.

She is three years old.  She's been my girl for about about a year in a half, ever since I rescued her.

                                                         She's my little cuddly diva.

                                                    Sophie and Dustball are bestbuds.
                                        Their antics often remind me of Garfield and Odie.  :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Yes, bowling; the family sport! 
The little guy does a spin move before releasing the ball-- hopefully in the correct direction.
Notice all the other bowlers are no where around, coincidence-- I don't think so.

       Glenn and I have been competitive in bowling since 1986.  He's always, ALWAYS won
                                                                      until TODAY!

                                                                Gladys striking a Pose
                                                         The Scoreboard K=138 vs G=123

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fun at the Lake

 This past weekend was so busy, it was just to much to fit it all in one segment.  :)

We celebrated Jean's 17th Birthday at beautiful Mississenwa Reservoir. 

Two young does greeted us as we arrived. 

Mom and Grace met us there and we spent most of the day on the boat together.
 The main attraction for the kids was tubing; they love tubing!


Later in the afternoon, we found a shady spot on land for Jean to open gifts and have cake.
 The Boston Cream Cake
This (not as bad for you as it could be) super moist and delish cake was super easy to make.  Also, because it was frozen and needed to thaw, it did not need to be in the cooler until later in the day.  Which worked out perfectly with our plans.  All I did was:  make a boxed cake, using applesauce instead of oil (of course)  

                                        poked a bunch of holes in it and added the pudding,
                                        (note it's sugar free mixed with low fat milk)
then freeze it solid to frost and decorate!
Easy as pie, err cake.  :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School Fair

Pendleton (adorable Indiana town) had there annual Back to school Fair over this past weekend. 
They raise funds to aid children in need of school supplies.

The kids got to go on another firetruck ride! 

They picked out treats from the bake sale.  Dontcha just love a good monster or milkshake cupcake?

 Troy successfully conquered the giant slide.

Here's a new thing:  they tie up the kids (gotta love how this starts) and make them run to see who can put the Velcro thingy the farthest.  When they come to the end of the bungee cord it snaps them back to the wall!

                                          Gladys and Jean getting Fair-Do's.

                                          And getting ready to compete.

                                         The guy in the green shirt won!

                                          A close-up of Jean's Fair-Do.  Blue slushy--yumm.

                                         Troy eager to climb the wall.

                                          Realizing he is way over my head.

                                          Gladys being Spider Girl.

                                          Kids love to dunk people!

                                         Troy wanted to bring this little one home!