Merry Christmas! I hope Ya'all had a great Christmas celebration! Mine has been memorable, to say the least! Between losing my Christmas gift (it actually ran away), to spending the night of Christmas Eve in the hospital, it's made for a season that will not soon be forgotten!
The weather has been very mild for this time of year in Northwest Indiana!
Of course, that means I'm enjoying the fresh air at home and the house is opened up. Jean's friend Jamie came home from Muncie and brought me
a CAT; my Christmas gift from Glenn! I opened the gift box, the cat ran out and no one seen or heard it for three days-- except the kids. The kids kept claiming they had seen sightings of the cat in the kitchen. Glenn figured it got out and was lost for good. The poor cat is HUGE and declawed. Also, I don't think it could have fit through the opening in the front door window to have escaped. Although, since my house is very small I was starting to become convinced that Glenn was right!
We'll get back to more about the cat later. For now, I need to post a warning: This blog contains a graphic photo of Glenn's hip replacement wound. Fair warning!
Ten days after surgery, the bandage was changed at physical therapy for the first time. They said it looked good!
Glenn was upgraded to a "hod rod" walker! This one features four wheels instead of two, a seat and brakes for if he finds himself speeding! :-)
Troy could not wait to open gifts on Christmas Eve!
He was allowed to open only one-- until we went to Grandmas house! He got a Sketch Wizard and it kept him busy for a bit while I prepared some goodies.
I made a Veggie Pizza Wreath, Veggie Roll-ups, and Pretzel Candy Snacks.
Someone got carried away with the ribbon on my gift!
So I open it to find Stomach Relief-- is this a warning? Why am I receiving this as a gift-- I think I am perfectly healthy! Apparently someone left it behind and the kids found it in there Walmart bag and thought it would make a fun gift. The nuts do not fall far from the tree! :-)
Troy got Slime from Jean, which Gladys attempted to eat after he made it and put it in the freezer! She is still alive.
Gladys got a note inside a few hundred wrapped boxes (okay three), and it was for an ice skating outing with Jean.
I got something that resembled fireworks!
It was a bunch of girly stuff that I like:
I brought a baked Spaghetti to cook over at Mom's. We eat it with sugar! It's a Christmas tradition around here.
After a few rounds of cards (Phase 10), we headed back to the house so the kids could wind down and Glenn could have some R&R.
Glenn was freezing and kept saying he couldn't get warm. It wasn't really cold out and the house was nice and toasty.
He had thought his new bandage was irritating his skin and had asked me to adjust it.
When I opened the bandage, it looked red and infected!
The kiddos were busy getting all ready for Santa, hanging stockings and setting out goodies.
I didn't wanna leave.
I wanted to watch Christmas specials and wait up for Santa!
I had lost my Christmas cat, and now I needed to head to the hospital with Glenn. :-(
Jean watched the kiddies and I took Glenn to the hospital. The doc gave him a shot, put him on antibiotics and let us go home.
While the doc was discussing his treatment, exactly at midnight-- Jean sent this pic to my phone:
EEEeeeeeeee! She found my Christmas Present Cat!!!! I was a happy! No longer did I have to worry that this poor cat was out there lost! Plus, I thought the infection was going to land Glenn a few nights in the hospital and he got to come right back to the house! It was a good Christmas!