Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Home Hospital

Hello, hello -- I hope Y'all have enjoyed this past week-- (the weather has been awesome here!).  I have had my hands full running a home hospital.  :-)  Well, it feels like it anyway.  Unfortunately, my husband, Glenn, has been having a rough recovery from the hip surgery he had. 

Yesterday, was the first day, in quite some time, that I had an opportunity to do a little fishing.

I went to check out the fish in a local pond.  Just as the fly was about to hit the water, I hear my kiddo screaming at the top of his lungs!  I look up and he is running toward me with his arm covered in honey bees!!!

At first, I thought perhaps he had seen a snake.  He is telling me he got stung on his eye.  I helped him off with his jacket, which was swarming with bees.  Then I had to remove a stinger from his eyelid!  It's remarkable that his eye was the only place he was stung. 

Luckily, I had a bottle of ice water with us that made a nice ice pack to ease the swelling.  Really, his eye didn't look that bad when he first got stung.  I had gave him the official-- How Many Fingers vision test-- and he passed with flying colors.  Sheeeww, at least he can still see!

So, that evening we went to his forth grade open house at the school.  

Troy was doing well, and the open house seemed to help take his mind off the sting.

The next morning, his eye had done swelled shut!  Poor Kid.

My tough little man went to school anyways, bee sting and all.  He wanted to bring Sophie with him as his seeing-eye-dog, but had to settle for a seeing-eye-sister instead.  ;-)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

First Day of School 2015

Hi Everyone!!!!   
The kiddies went back to school today!!!!!  YAY!!!!!  

I took them back-to-school shopping and this is Gladys outfit that she picked out:

Here's Troy's favorite outfit:

The kids were BUSY getting things ready the night before school.

Troy had soooo many school supplies in his backpack he couldn't EVEN STAND UPRIGHT!!!  :-)

He toughed it out and managed to stand after his breakfast kicked in. What a goofball! ;-)

And then there's Gladdie:

 Her backpack was filled to the MAX too!

The five minutes between the time they walked out of the house and the time the bus arrived seemed to last forever!  Obviously, Gladdie was being a perfect angel in aiding her brother, by helping him stand upright.  Kids!

She succeeded!   Eventually the beautiful, yellow, bus arrived to carry them away!

Yay!  The first day of school!!!!  :-)  :-)  :-)

Friday, August 14, 2015

Mill Pond Fun

Hi All,
I'm at the hospital typing away, as I wait for Glenn, who is having surgery on his hip.   It looks like it may be awhile before I get to fish again, as I intend to help him get all healed up. 

The other day, the kids and I had a great time at the Mill Pond, as usual.

Todd and I caught all kinds of fish out of the creek!

Jigs tipped with beemoth seemed to be the ticket!

This fish that Todd got, sure has a wild and vividly colored, outfit on: 

We fish the pond side too. 

Carp is becoming a popular catch from the pond.

Kayaking the pond side is fun too.

I take turns kayaking with the kiddies.


I caught a couple fish on my turn.  The first one was a camera shy shiner and took itself off the hook before I could get a pic.  The second fish was a carp, that fought like crazy on the little ultra light rod!

Sometimes I think I am reeling in something HUGE, and it turns out to be a little bluegill covered in weeds!  (Yeah, there is really a fish under all that mess!)

Gladdie and her friends played Queen of the Rock!

The girls fish a little bit too, but it's important to them to see how many can fit on the rock!?!    :-)

Goofy Girls!

The girls got a horsey ride!

Wren, the horse, didn't seem to mind a back full of goofballs!


The girls were totally delighted to be able to go for a ride. Thanks, Jim!

Time flew by and before I knew it the sun had set.

One last catch, before leaving!

I'm pleased to say, Glenn is out of surgery and it went well.  He's now on the road to recovery and will be as good as new in no time!  ;-)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Stone & Pine Lakes

Stone & Pine Lakes are places I visit frequently.  


I slip my boat on Pine Lake, which is connected to Stone.


The kids enjoy swimming and often take a plunge and swim to the beach on Stone Lake.

The other day when we were out there, folk's were doing Zumba on the beach!

Zumba on the beach looks like fun, but I was busy catching fish!  :-)

Out of the two lakes (Pine and Stone), Stone is the smaller and an idle only lake, which makes it preferable for me to fish. 

Most of the time, I can count on catching gills and perch.


Once in awhile, I get bass to bite.  Sometimes even a smallmouth jumper surprises me!

My buddy Terry and I were fishing Stone Lake for gills the other day. He decided to change things up and go after bass.

He got out his bass rigged rod and just like that, had one hooked!!!  :-)

And another, and another-- bass after bass!

Remarkably, he caught a bass AND somebody's lure all in one swift cast!


Here's a critter that caught my eye: 

A water tic maybe?  I dunno.  I wonder if the fish would like to eat one like it.  ;-)

Monday, August 10, 2015

Bridal Shower


My oldest daughter, Grace, is getting married-- fixin to get hitched!  :-)

Fran, Pat,and Jenny, threw a bridal shower for Grace.

Grace had TWO cakes! 

And chocolate covered strawberries!  Yummm.

Besides the sweets, they had BBQ sandwiches, mac & cheese, and a bunch of other delicious sides.

 Fran and Jenny did an awesome job hosting the event!

The girl on the end in the pink top, is Lena, from Germany.  Bridal showers are a new thing for her, as she tells us they do not have bridal showers in Germany!

Sister Style-- Me, Audrey, and Veronica:

More Sisters-- Pat and Fran:

And More sisters-- Jean and Grace:

Jean made Gracies bridal shower gift-- a painting, Love of Music.

 The shower was held at Jenny's house.

Ribbons and bows from the gifts were collected and made into a bouquet to be used at the wedding rehearsal.

We played a game of, Name the Wedding Tradition.  Mom and I totally rocked that game, and we both won prizes!

Grace had a GREAT TIME!

Jenny, Fran, Joe, and Grace:

Are they a sweet couple, or what?

The sweet couple and the Grandmas:

The sweet couple and the ma's:


Wedding day photo shoot practice?  :-)

Jenny's house was like a bunch of decorating ideas I have seen on Pinterest.  That is to say, it was interestingly decorated.

Gladdie borrowed the camera and snapped some pics.  Pat crocheted homemade washcloths as party favors for everyone!

 My child is getting MARRIED!!!  Wow!

The girls in the wedding party:

It was a fun day!

A BIG thanks to Fran, Pat and Jenny for hosting the shower!