Hi There!
Thanksgiving morning started off with watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, per tradition.
This year I watched it at home in the living room, while packing a few last minute items during the commercials.
The plan was to get on the road by 1pm to head north, to Valparaiso.
We got on the road ahead of schedule. The day had plenty of sunshine; so much so, that Jean had to set up a curtain to watch a movie.

Gladys and Troy kept busy the entire trip too. Thanks goodness for technology.
Along the way we stopped at Arby's for lunch. In effort to save room for a big supper, Jean and I split a sandwich.
Sophie likes to travel with me. In cold weather, I bring an extra blanket to wrap her up in.
She usually sleeps most of the way, when she isn't site seeing.
The Benton County wind farm we pass through on I65 marks the halfway point. I used to study, promote, and work with the Go Green program and wind energy is fascinating to me.
Looking back, I had dreams of being completely self-sufficient with a little farm of my own. God had other plans though.
Mom's house had a good dusting of snow, it's located about 20 miles south of Lake Michigan. However, most of the surrounding areas were barren of the white stuff.
Ahh, it's good to be home.
My old room, guess who picked the color? Yours' truly. :)
This print hangs in my room. Isn't it adorable? Babies, babies, babies!
As soon as I greeted Mom and dropped my overnight bag off in my room, I had to go visit the cats. This is Bandit:
Mom's had Bandit for several years now. All her cats are outdoor kitties, but she has arranged for them to sleep in the enclosed porch. This is her newest boarder, Crooked Cat, aka CC:
And last but not least, meet Mittens aka Mitty, who is Dustball's sister:
Mitty is a big girl! She is very mild mannered, just like her brother.
After greeting the cats, it was time to go celebrate Thanksgiving at my nephew's wife's mother's house. My great aunt Shirley was there! She is a really good cook.
The Jean's hanging out, awaiting the main event:
The guy is my nephew, little Robbie. Him and I grew up wrecking havoc as childhood buddies. Just a couple years ago, we took off with matching clippie hairstyles and pulled a pretty orange toboggan home from somebody's garbage, on a HARLEY. Fun Times!
Supper was yummy. Starting at noon and going counter clockwise, we have stuffing, sweet tators, deviled egg, crescent roll, mac n cheese, green bean casserole, corn stuffing; in the middle, ham and broccoli with egg sauce.
Robbie's wife, Janet and her Mom, Nancy, seated next to Gladys, were a delight to talk to with. The evening was fun and went by fast.
For dessert, pies, pies, pies! Also, Mom brought her eclairs (will share recipe one of these days), and I brought pumpkin rolls. Good stuff, lemme tell ya. I couldn't decide witch pie to choose from, so I had a sliver of each. Even though I tend to be a traditional gal, surprisingly my favorite pie of the evening was the chocolate pecan.
Mom and little Robbie were talking about our Indian heritage and Blackfoot. No wonder it seems so natural for me to refer to my young-in's as Indians.
This sweet kitty of Nancy's is sick and going to heaven Friday. RIP.
The dogs, Zues and Puppy, liked me.
The Thanksgiving celebration was fun, and we had a wonderful time.
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