Friday, March 21, 2014

R.I.P. Fishes

Ahh, beautiful Fall's Park pond! 

Well, at least from a distance it's pretty.   A closer look revealed a bunch of dead fish; so sad.

Some of the fish were HUGE too.  I'm not even sure what kind of fish this was, but it was really big:


The dead fish I noticed most were catfish and a few bass.  It's such a shame.
The town of Pendleton stocked the pond and used to have the fountains working.

It's too bad the winter was so harsh on all these poor dead fishes. 
I had some errands to run, and while I was out, I stopped at Saxony Lake to check it out.

 No dead fish were spotted, but the lake had an iced glaze over most of it.

A few spots were thawed and I was hoping to see fish swimming around-- no such luck.

Later in the day, Sophie and I did some more hiking at the quarry.  

I didn't see any fish there either, dead or otherwise.

In other news, Troy bleached our cat, Dustball.  JK :)  He held a kitty at Pet Smart.  The salesman asked me if it was okay, I hesitated and agreed.  Then Troy put the kitty, Marshmallow, down inside the little room and Marshmallow crawled underneath all the cages.  The salesman tried to get Marshmallow (who was having a hissy fit), but the kitty was stuck.  A manager came in, along with three other sales associates, and after 40 minutes+ of rearranging, they got Marshmallow back in the cage.  Troy looked at the salespeople and said, "May I hold another kitty!".  The manager looked at his watch and replied, "We will be closing in 6 hours.".   :)

We have a vacancy in our back yard bird box.  I'm eager to see who will be moving in this year.  Kinda hoping for a flying squirrel family.

The little crick in the yard has a heart in it.  :)

 Happy Spring Everyone!

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