Sunday, February 8, 2015


Happy Sunday, Everyone!  This has been a fun-filled weekend.  Besides making a Smitty Sled and ice fishing, the kids and I went sledding at Purdue North Central.

The sledding hill had plenty of other kids there.

Half the fun for the kids seemed to be trying to dodge the other kids.  For me, it was like watching a wild game of kid bowling, where other kids are the pins.

Of course, no one tried to purposely knock anyone down-- cause they all know if that were to happen then the trolls that live in the tunnel (right corner) would likely get em.  ;)

The kids tried snowboarding on the sled and failed miserably.

Troy and I kept aiming for "the bump" and we couldn't hit it to save our lives.

Gladys and I actually did hit it dead on, and we both got propelled right over it and landed off the sled.  The sled got stuck into it, like in the pic below:

After going down and up the hill a few zillion times, we decided we needed a break.

So, we made giant snowballs.

Speaking of Snowball, she is one heck of a lunatic cat!

I beat her with a wrapping tube.  She races through the house like a maniac then attacks the tube.

Meanwhile, poor old Dustball lives in fear that he will be attacked.  He pretty much just lays around and hisses occasionally to let the kitten know who's boss.

Saturday night the kids and I went to the bowling alley, for a birthday party.

On the wall was a computerized jukebox.  It's the first time I had ever seen one like that!

The kids bowled, while us adults gabbed about them and had a good time.  :)

Savannah was the guest of honor, she just turned twelve.

Crazy Gladys was the life of the party.  Nice brow enhancements-- NUTBALL!

Fun Times!


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