Sunday, April 26, 2015

Find Me a Home

Cleaning house and spring cleaning are not at the top of my list. Occasionally, I tidy up a bit though.

Recently, I found out my cat, Snowball is really a goat, disguised as a cat.

My little "cat-goat" cleaned Gladdies room and ate a bunch of bands, beads, yarn, and a Barbie shoe.  Yes, really!

She became deathly ill.  I took her to the vet and that's when I discovered she was a goat!  Luckily, all the non-edible items were removed and she recovered very well from her surgery.

An organization known as Second Chance 4 Pets, played a big part in her recovery.

They help homeless animals find homes, and generally assist pet owners as needed.

After Snowball recovered, I went to lend em a hand at the Pet Smart adoption booth.

They had several cats that needed a home.  This cat talked: 

The other cats mostly just laid around and waited for some attention.

Occasionally, they would grab at passerbyers. 

More often than not, the passerbyrs would reach in to them.  I would take em (pets) all home if I could! 

The next day, Troy and I got to go fishing for a bit. 

We caught a bunch a feisty little gills, and Troy got some good practice in on his open spin.

We also, did a little window shopping at Bass Pro.  Someone has a birthday coming up!!!  (shhh, it's Troy)   :)

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