Saturday, March 19, 2016

Trout Day

The big steelhead, er MY big steelhead, spooks easily.  So, if he sees me before I see him, he takes off down the creek!  The trick is to ever so stealthy, drift a hook right to him from a bit of a distance.

The trouble with that plan, is these young'ins like to ride the hooks!

They are some cute little steelies and browns, but after a few dozen tries to get the hook to the big daddy, catching these little ones starts to wear on a gal!

They are lucky they're so dang cute and painted up so nicely.

Sadly, that can't be said for all the fish in the creek.

I do not know what happened to this poor fish.

I have a feeling the trash in and around the creek might have something to do with it.


Luckily, the trout all looked good!

The sizes of the little ones varied from 5" to just over a foot.

Midway through the day, I decided to change things up and fish the pond for gills with some buddies.

The gill bite was extremely slow and I only caught one.  Besides MY big steelie was still waiting for me in the creek! 

We might have an extra hour of daylight, but there never seems to be enough time!

I didn't photograph all the little ones.  Some were just too cute not to, with those big ole eyes.  Actually, most of the young-ins flipped right off the hook as I reeled em in.

They are extremely flippy little fish!  I practically have to squeeze the life out of em to keep a grasp!

No worries, none of the fish were harmed.  They dart away, happy as can be! Even the BIG ONE I EVENTUALLY GOT!

Sooo, I propped up the camera, set the timer for 10 seconds, AND MY BIG STEELHEAD FLIPPED RIGHT OUT OF MY GRASP!

I was concerned he was going to die, so I put him back in the creek.  Flippy Fish!

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