Friday, April 1, 2016

Tippicanoe Walleye

It was a beautiful March day!  I was ready to FISH!

When am I not ready to fish?  Anyways, it was a good day for a drive.  I decided to head toward the Tippy.

First stop, was the bait shop.  I thought this was an awesome display:

The river was rather high.

I had waders on and it wasn't easy to wade.  Lots of big boulders and logs, not to mention a fairly swift current.  The water was badly stained, so no chance of seeing where you may be stepping.

I wasn't having any luck.  No bites at all, so moving closer to the dam seemed like a good idea.

The rush of water coming out of the dam was neat to watch.

I preferred fishing on the other side of the river.  It was a much longer walk, but much easier to wade.

A fairly large jig, tipped with minnows, was what I was told those walleye liked!

Six folks, including me, were fishing that section and we all got skunked that evening!

It was terrifying and thrilling wading the Tippy at dark!  No fish were caught, no critters were seen, and I had discovered a new hole in my neoprenes (waders)!

I may not have had any bites THIS TIME.  Just wait, an Indiana walleye is on my list! ;-)

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