Monday, June 27, 2016


It's parasailing time!!!   Wheeeeeeee!

On the way out of the harbor, a guy showed me his halibut!

Later on that day, I was told it was a winning fish in the tournament that morning! 

Check out the swordfish boat:

On the way out, I was searching the waters for dolphins, as I wanted to make friends with them.  It never hurts for a gal to have a back-up plan!  ;-)

I didn't see any dolphins.  The chute was ready to fly!

How about Glenn and Gladys go first? 

They took off fast, and just like that, the boat left them behind!

Take off was nice and smooth.

They were terrified, but having fun!

Yes, one little knot on each end secures the rope! 

The driver of the boat used to live and preform in the water skiing show at Indian Beach, in Monticello, Indiana.  Small world.

The parachute kept getting smaller and smaller-- they were waaaaayyyyyyyyy up there!

The rope is 800 foot long, and they were literally at the end of it!!!

Our turn!  Jean and I took off as soon as we had the harnesses on!  There wasn't even time to be scared!

Although, as I felt the wind take us I went into TOTAL FREAK OUT MODE!

All I could think about for a second was that knot coming untied.

It was at this point, when I was shouting---  LIFEGAURD, LIFEGAURD!!!  

No one came to my rescue; not even the dolphins!  Gladys told the guy to shake the rope, and he did.

The rope, btw, was a little frayed too!  We were really living on the edge.

I had my camera in my right hand.  Jean asked me to hand it to her so she could take pics, but I couldn't loosen my grip enough to manage that!

When it was time to come in, I'm pretty sure I seen hungry sharks in the water below!

Our boat driver slowed waaaayyy down so our feet touched the water and teased the sharks!

Seriously--- the shark is that dark fish with giant teeth right below us:

I don't know we survived, but we did, AND with our feet and legs still attached!   :-)   Parasailing was sooooo FUN!  I would do it again in a heartbeat!

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