Monday, June 23, 2014

Easley Winery

Hey Ya'All!
I found out something new about myself yesterday.  I LIKE wine.  

I've never been much of a wine drinker, which may strike some of ya'All as odd considering I've made several batches of it over the years. 

The thing is, I like the idea of breaking out the old bottles of wine in the cellar for some special occasion.  I've just never cared for the taste of wine all that much until recently (yesterday). 

Much of my life I've spent pregnant, nursing a baby, or training for some fitness related goal.  Therefore, drinking wasn't conducive to my life.

However, now-- I may be on my way to becoming a lush.  I found wine I seriously LIKE!

For a change of pace, Glenn and I went to a wine tasting at Easley Winery.  It is the second largest winery in Indiana.

I started off with a Cabernet Franc that I disliked.  That stuff tasted awful to me, no offense, just keeping it real.  I drank it down anyways, as not to be rude.

The second wine, was Chambourcin, which after swirling (oxygenating) it, I found it to be okay, but still did not like it.   However, by the third glass of wine-- the Riesling-- I really LIKED it.

In fact, the Riesling was my very favorite of them all.  Now I know what you're all thinking, that they just kept getting better and better with the more I drank.  And that is actually somewhat true. :) Although, the Riesling was my absolute favorite.  Plus, it gave me a serious case of the giggles.

A unique fact about Riesling; the grapes it is made from are grown in the sands of Lake Michigan in Laporte County, Indiana.  How about that! 

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