Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Pontoon Fun

Eeeeek, slimey limey, green, worms!  My buddy, Dan, gave me the worms to try out.  They reminded me of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The kids and I have been out on the toon a few times this summer.  I hate to say it, but the Ninja Worms didn't really work out all that well for us. 

Each time out has been an adventure!  Last week, I walked out to the pier and found turtle eggs!  I would have loved to see those little babies hatch!

Sophie goes with me often.  She likes to be The Guide!  :-)

Occasionally, I get to catch a fish!  Most of the time, when my family is with me, I do NOT get to fish; more on that in a little bit.

So, the other day, when it was chilly out, we went for a boat ride. Glenn had his cell phone in the front pocket on his hoodie.  That was, until he jumped out and it fell into the lake!

He begged the kids and I to dive in for it, but we all wanted to see him take a dip!  ;-)  Oddly enough, his phone worked perfectly after it got completely soaked!

The next evening, when I got to fish with Terry, Glenn was really careful not to drop his phone.

Terry caught a rock a bass!

I got a few bluegills.

Linda beat Glenn at Backgammon!

Sophie kept us all on track.

She really liked Terry.  :-)

Okay, back to why I don't get to fish when my family is with me--  Do Y'all remember the Zone?  Glenn tells me when I fish, I get into a trance like state of mind.

The kids would be drowning each other, we could all be sinking and I would blissfully be in "The Zone", just a fishing away.  That actually sorta happened a couple of years ago when someone forgot a boat plug on the speedboat.  We lived.

While that's all good for me, it's not as much fun for the other adult that isn't in "the Zone".  And that's why I usually don't get to fish, when the family is with me.

Occasionally, the kiddies will get into fishing, but this year, so far, they have not been all that into it.

The kiddies like to swim and ride around in the tubes. Sophie and I swim and go tubing, but we think fishing is the most fun! :-)

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