Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cortisone Injection

Warning: this post contains very disturbing images (and the pic of the shot is somewhat disturbing too).

Well, I'm in the lazyboy with my foot propped up for the remainder of the evening. Nothing better to do than to dress up the cat.  As you can clearly see he's thrilled!

Today, to my surprise, the doc administered a very painful Cortisone shot in my foot.   My foot is currently to sore to walk on (as it has been for the past week or so), but I'm hoping I will have positive results from this shot in the morning.  Keep your fingers crossed!  Also, the doc took some new x-rays and my metatarsal bones (the long bones in the middle of my foot) are currently pushed together and out of position.  Sheesh, no wonder I can't walk!  The doc gave me little hope of being able to run any for the rest of this year.  Bummer :(

Ok, enough about my woes.  Let's annoy the cat some more.  Yeah, after all this he still willingly climbs into my lap.  He loves me! 


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