Thursday, March 19, 2015

Banana Pudding & Dunes Hike

Hi There!

I have Spring Fever!  I'm ready to walk outside without having to bundle up first, which I had a taste of the other day at almost 70 degrees here.  Yay!!!  


Well, today's weather is in the 40's and sunny.  Loafie aka Sophie, and I went for a walk along Coffee Creek. (Sorry no pics from today, but I do plan on going back there tomorrow with my camera!)

I realize it's been awhile since I've posted anything.  The main reason being, I have been extra busy caring for a crippled husband.  He had a procedure done on his hip and seems to be recuperating well. Thus, I plan to resume regular postings.  :)  In fact, I plan on posting every day for the rest of this month!

Grace and Joe joined us for supper.  I fixed banana pudding.  I used both vanilla and banana flavored pudding and layered them up parfait style along with Nilla wafers and fresh bananas.

I did use boxed pudding mixes, although, I prefer the cook and serve types, over the instant mixes.  Whatever you like best will work, though.

It's as easy as... pudding!  :)  Layer it all up: wafers, nanners, vanilla pudding, more wafers, more nanners, and banana pudding.

The very top, got topped off with Nilla crumbs.

Note: be sure and cover all the fresh bananas with pudding, otherwise they may begin to turn brown.

A recipe isn't necessary, as it's just that easy.

The day before we lost most of our snow around here, I went hiking at the Dunes National Lakeshore.  I usually don't visit this place in the winter, but I was curious to see what it was like.

I like this historic building:

I stayed on land for my hike.  Lake Michigan here is not the same as in Wisconsin.  The ice is bumpy here and has huge sand/ice mounds.

I'm sure the snow has melted by now.  I'm looking forward to a day at the beach, when swimming is an option.  :)

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