Friday, March 20, 2015

Redears / Red Face

Sadly, ice season is over here.  Now.  These pics are from a few weeks ago. 

Even though I look forward to Spring, I was seriously having issues this year as I watched the snow melt. 

Ice fishing is just that FUN!!

On this particular day, I kept catching Redears; one right after another!

I didn't take a pic of all of them.  Hopefully, the fishes that didn't get there photos taken won't hold it against me.  Or have any self-esteem issues as a result; they were all truly beautiful fish.

Sooo, I was busy... catching fish.... and I caught a sunburn.  :(

Redears and Redfaced!


  1. Hi Kris, the fish look great. I hope to get out to the stone guery today. Take care and don't get on the ice. Charlene

  2. Hi Charlene!!!! No worries, there's not much ice left up here now. It's coho time in the Lake Michigan harbor though! Ya'll should come up here and visit.
    Miss ya,

  3. I would love to but want it to be warm. Beach not ice fishing. Went to the query yesterday. Fished but nothing. Will email Glen my contact info. I have a phone now.
    Miss you too.
