Monday, February 8, 2016

Amber's Baby Shower

Hip, Hip, Hooray-- I am feeling better!   I hope Ya'all had a great weekend! 

Sunday afternoon was my niece, Amber's Baby Shower/Football Party. 


Us girls played baby shower games.   Guess What Kind of Melted Candy Bar is in the Diaper, was one of them, seriously! Jean looks scared to open it. :-) 

It didn't seem to phase Mom in the least.

I may never look at chocolate the same since playing this game.  Ewww.

When I was prego, I used to think the Tissue Diaper Game was gross too.  It consisted of a dab of mustard smeared on a tissue, then folded into the shape of a diaper.  The idea was the guests that had the poopy diaper pinned on them won a prize. 

I crocheted a sweater, blanket and matching headband for Amber's baby.

Amber made the cake next her.  She had an edible cake too.

I was too busy gabbing and didn't get a pic of the edible cake.  It was a pink football with a variety of cupcakes around it.  We all wanted to swipe the caramel and chocolate kind-- it's a family thing.

Some of my sisters and I:

And one with Mom!  :-)

These are Dee's kiddos:  Amber, Shana, and Scott.  Gladys and Troy are in cousin overload and are still trying to figure out which cousins belong to which people.

Audrey won the, Guess How Many M&M's the Baby Bottle has In It, game!  I think it was like 200 or something close to that.

Sherry's little man is getting soo big!

Meow!  She has a sweet personality. 

The horses are nice too.  Dee tells me, the kids could swing from the tails.  Noo, we didn't try it.  ;-)

 It was nice catching up with everyone. 

Don't they look like a couple awaiting something exciting!?! 

I have a feeling when Amber's baby arrives, the newbie will have plenty of people around to love on her. :-)

Friday, February 5, 2016

Don't Get Sick!


Ever see a little perch making a snow angel?  Now you have!  :-)  No worries, she swiftly swam away.  Ever since the Frozen Fish Resurrection, I've put everything I catch back!

I've not really caught any exciting fish this ice season.  It seems as though little perch like to ride the hooks the most.

 I found this poor fellow frozen in the ice:

Besides getting plenty of fresh air, I've been trying to eat as healthy as possible to ward off illnesses...  and maybe werewolves!

Garlic is supposed to be helpful in preventing viruses; Ya'all can thank me later.  Check out the size of this beauty:

The garlic went into the oven along with some chicken.  In the meantime, I cooked noodles in a chicken broth.

Added plenty of fresh spinach (POWERFOOD) to boost the nutrients.

And topped it off with cheese.  Everything is better with cheese!

The garlic chicken-- which I realize this isn't the most appetizing pic-- came out as tender as can be.  I cooked it in some light ceaser dressing with a bit of extra water.  Oh, and plenty of cut up monster garlic cloves!  Btw, the kitchen smelled like Italy that entire evening. 

Sheesh, my photo skills have got to improve!  SO, it may have resembled the pic, but it tasted awesome.

Check out Gladys and her Bow hairstyle!  :-)  Okay, so that was random.  It's sorta like that around here. 

How about a smoothie?  I'm actually not a smoothie person anymore.  It seems the more I drink them, the less I like em.  However, at least I feel good about getting in enough fruits and veggies.  

The smoothie I'm about to show you is supposed to ward off viruses and amp up immunity.  It starts off with a generous 2 cups of fresh spinach.  Yeah, it's green, but remember we are preparing to fight germs here!

Then, we add pineapple, carrots, an oarnge, and some fresh ginger root.

I used the veggie peeler and slice the ginger root very fine to help assure it blends well.  Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties along with a big ole long list of other health benefits.  It did kinda break my heart a little to put the fresh pineapple in.  It's so delicious all on its on.  When I was prego, I had once eaten so much fresh pineapple that it made my mouth sore! 

I added Almond Milk to blend this one, but it would be good with practically any healthy liquid: water, OJ, you get the idea.

It blends up to a very vivid green that again, my photo skills do not do justice to.  Usually, I camouflage my green smoothie in a sippy cup that has a lid and straw.  It's easier to down that way, and doesn't look as gross.  I couldn't find a clean sippy cup!  Keeping it real!  :-)

Really, it's not that bad to down.  It has a very fresh and slightly sweet taste to it.  If I were to blend it with a juice, it would have had a much better sweetness level.  However, I was not interested in sweet at the moment.  I am interested in not getting sick.

Here's another bit of randomness:  I make Sophie new clothes often.  Why?  Because she tends to get cold easy and needs them.  She looks totally adorable in clothes!  Her latest apparel, happens to be the sleeve from an old t-shirt of mine.  I can now show off my guns and clothe the dog at the same time!  One of these days, I'll go into more detail regarding making dog clothes.

Guess who isn't feeling so well?  Yes, ME.  Ughh.  I try and try and try to not get sick, and none of it actually worked.  I came home from seeing the doc and I have Strep.  Why?  I buy stock in Lysol and hand soap!  I get my vitamins and rest!  Oh, and to top it all off, it's raining out and the ice is melting faster than I am getting over this illness.  Nooooo. :-(

I suppose, this means I must boycott Lysol and hand soap.  Perhaps, I'll go smoke a few cigars, maybe roll around in some dirt covered hypodermic needles.  Never again will I get a good 8 hours of sleep, or ingest anything green with a hardy nutrient content.  Socks and hats are frivolous, useless, items, that do not keep us safe from colds!  Wet feet and hair must now be my new winter style! 

All I can really say is that groundhog had better have not seen his shadow, cause now I have my heart set on SPRING!  Do Ya'all remember that magical season where folk's are not ill everywhere you turn and the sun shines down and makes stuff grow?  I do.  Hurry SPRING, HURRY!