Monday, February 8, 2016

Amber's Baby Shower

Hip, Hip, Hooray-- I am feeling better!   I hope Ya'all had a great weekend! 

Sunday afternoon was my niece, Amber's Baby Shower/Football Party. 


Us girls played baby shower games.   Guess What Kind of Melted Candy Bar is in the Diaper, was one of them, seriously! Jean looks scared to open it. :-) 

It didn't seem to phase Mom in the least.

I may never look at chocolate the same since playing this game.  Ewww.

When I was prego, I used to think the Tissue Diaper Game was gross too.  It consisted of a dab of mustard smeared on a tissue, then folded into the shape of a diaper.  The idea was the guests that had the poopy diaper pinned on them won a prize. 

I crocheted a sweater, blanket and matching headband for Amber's baby.

Amber made the cake next her.  She had an edible cake too.

I was too busy gabbing and didn't get a pic of the edible cake.  It was a pink football with a variety of cupcakes around it.  We all wanted to swipe the caramel and chocolate kind-- it's a family thing.

Some of my sisters and I:

And one with Mom!  :-)

These are Dee's kiddos:  Amber, Shana, and Scott.  Gladys and Troy are in cousin overload and are still trying to figure out which cousins belong to which people.

Audrey won the, Guess How Many M&M's the Baby Bottle has In It, game!  I think it was like 200 or something close to that.

Sherry's little man is getting soo big!

Meow!  She has a sweet personality. 

The horses are nice too.  Dee tells me, the kids could swing from the tails.  Noo, we didn't try it.  ;-)

 It was nice catching up with everyone. 

Don't they look like a couple awaiting something exciting!?! 

I have a feeling when Amber's baby arrives, the newbie will have plenty of people around to love on her. :-)

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