Monday, March 14, 2016


Hey!  I'm coming at ya from a brand new computer!  Technology and I haven't been getting along so well lately.  My old computer had an array of problems, but thank goodness I had a back up plan in place.  Ya'all remember to save those back-up files!

Sooo, much has happened in the past month, I don't know where to start.  I reckon I will begin with the soccer pictures from a while back.  Troy was a yellow shirt, and Gladys was an orange.

Gladys plays soccer very aggressively and has to restrain herself from being called out by the ref.  She likes to use those elbows of hers.

Troy's a bit more relaxed when it comes to his playing strategy.

Last week was the end of the indoor soccer season.  The kids each got trophies and a pizza/ice cream party.

Troy's team came in first place having won 9 out of 10 games!  (The lost game was the week Troy was ill with the flu!)

I think that pretty much covers soccer.  Future posts includes-- fishing, fostering, tax sale purchases, epilepsy and fishing.  Did I mention fishing?  More posts will be appearing soon!  ;-)

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