We were searching for big Steelies, but all we found were little fish.

The weather was cold and rainy on my birthday. Glenn and I had plans to take the kiddos to Chelburg Farm for Maple Syrup Days, but the weather made us change our plans.

We went to the mall instead, as it's been quite a while since I've been there. Check out the new, electronic ponds:
And folk's riding around on motorized stuffed animals:
We didn't stay long, just long enough for me to shop my favorite clothing store! ;-)
Back to what I like even more than shopping-- FISHING!
I have no idea who/what this is? At first we thought it was some sort of water snake, and it might be. Jean nor I was going to touch it to find out!

I caught a crazy mix of fish on Mill Creek, all within a couple hours. Gills, crappies, rock bass, lm bass, creek chubs, and carp.
For the most part, they were all fairly little.
We gave the fish a mix of presentations, a hook with a wax worm, nymph flys, and a jig.
It didn't matter what we casted, the fish went bonkers for it all!
The SNAKE was the biggest critter I seen that day! Why this snake isn't still sleeping I'll never know! It's cold out!!!
On a remarkable note, I caught more rock bass that day than ever before!
It was like they were all pilled up on a certain section of the creek and as soon as the jig hit the water they gobbled it up! If the jig landed in a shallower section, the creek chubs ate it!
The bluegills were attacking everything quite fierce as well!
Having a mix is fun. Ya never quite know what you will get!
Mostly as were reeling in we play the guessing game of, "What do you Think It is"! And if it gets away before we get it in-- it's the biggest fish we ever almost caught! ;-)
Happy fishing to ya!
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