Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Sickly Little Grey Kitty

The kids found this little guy in the back yard!

He is fur and bones!  Plus, he had tics, and ears loaded with mites.  One of his ears was so loaded with mites that it is not properly formed.  He is one sick kitty, his face was caked with snot, and he has a broken back leg.  Poor kitty.  When the kids showed him to me, he was unable to walk.

For the first two days, he rested in the cage. 

That is when, he wasn't being cuddled, natch.

Luckily, Independent Cat Society (ICS) was open on the day he was found.  I took him there, and they gave him fluids via iv.  They also gave me special food for him and medicine.

They treated him for parasites as well.

He is doing good, now, a week later!

He's not crazy about being photographed, apparently!

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