Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Lake Michigan Fishing

I've been out to Michigan City pier only once since ice out.  On the way, I encountered the South Shore Train driving down the middle of the street.  Every time I see that, it freaks me out!  It's like, here I am driving along, trying to not run over/into anyone/anything and all of the sudden-- TRAIN!

The other oddity I frequently experience while in Michigan City is the draw bridge!  I can totally understand raising it to allow boats to pass.  However, I think the gate keepers get bored up there and raise it for the heck of it when they see me coming, as no boats were needing to get through!

Still, I enjoy fishing Michigan City's harbor.  It's convenient in nasty weather, cause I can fish from the truck if need be. 

For some unknown reason, the shoreline west of Michigan City tends to be much clearer water. 

I picked a spot on the rocks, just south of the break wall.  On cold days, having that break wall as a wind barrier comes in handy!

The pic doesn't really do these two justice, as they actually had vivid blue backs.  I decided to keep them for the supper table.

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