Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter 2016


I prepared the eggs for coloring by hard boiling them.  I tend to overcook them to the point where the yolk turns green.  Thank goodness for green sweet relish to help the deviled eggs appear edible!  :-)

Speaking of green, I tried a new recipe-- Smothered Green Beans.   I seen it on Pinterest.

It's green beans dressed in soy sauce, garlic powder, and brown sugar, then topped with partially cooked bacon. After it's all assembled, it goes back into the oven and the bacon cooks to a crisp as it drips into the beans.  This dish is ready to go into the oven:

The kids colored eggs the day before Easter.  The Easter bunny didn't come to our house this year, as the kids didn't want to hunt for eggs.  Glenn told Troy the truth about the bunny, even though I wanted to keep it a secret a bit longer.  Troy is my baby!  :-(

Gladys colored eggs first and spilled some of the colors.  Poor Troy.  She helped out peeling the eggs at Mom's house.

While the girls made deviled eggs and egg salad, I put together a Fruit Bunny. It was another idea I had got off of Pinterest!  Although, I deviated a bit from the actual directions.

It's really simple.  I'll let the pics do the talking.

And the finished bunny:

 I served it with fruit dip made of cream cheese and marshmallow fluff.

Gladys made egg salad with her bare hands.  Why Gladys?  I took notes for next year. 

I had planned yet another Pinterest recipe, but this one was for the kids to do.  It's called Empty Tomb Rolls.  The kids were not into making them, so I did it all myself.  


The idea is to roll a marshmallow inside each dough and as it bakes it disappears.  The rolls then represent the empty tomb of Jesus after He has risen!

After Easter Dinner, my family and I played card games.

It was good ole Uno, but with a twist.  The Draw cards had options like make a funny face until your next turn.

Mom had to be a cat.  She meowed and rubbed her head on Glenn.  It was FUN!  :-)

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