Sunday, April 3, 2016

Unexplored Territiories

I'm into spring hikes!  I used to call it morel mushroom hunting, but spring hiking is accurate. ;-)

I found me a cute little creek to follow.  It led to this cute little dam.  Of course, I couldn't resist dropping a line in, just to fiddle around. 

Hey--SURPRISE-- there is cute little fish in there!  This baby gill looked like a purple Easter egg, much more so, than the pic represents.

Holy Smokes Bass, too!  Who woulda thought!  Little bitty creek, little bitty fish!

I continued my hike.

The creek became larger, as did the fish I caught! I didn't take any pics of the bigger fish, as they were just your average gills, chubs and rock bass.

I've been exploring like a mad woman lately!  O'Hare Airport even made the list, as I went there to pick up Mom from her return from Arizona!  I didn't fish there.  The night sky had two moons the larger one in the center of the photo, and a smaller moon off to the right!  Who knew O'Hare was like being on another planet!?!

I've been exploring "new to me" creeks mostly.  On this day, I was hiking in the rain, going after steelhead.  The little milky covert, was a steelie parking lot!  Three big fish were up in there!!!

The weather is typical for an Indiana Spring.  It varies from day to day.  Some days a girl needs her winter coat, other days, no coat at all.

I am ready for nice Spring weather and FLOWERS!

I planted flower seeds.  I'm not sure what type they are yet.

Paris, my foster kitty, went to the vet to be spayed.  She has never had kittens before.  If there weren't so many kittens needing a home...

Troy invited me to an Art Show at the school.  His Eiffel Tower reminded me of SpongeBob's pineapple!

The school was a real jungle.

A jungle with a cave!

Of course, the jungle has fish! 

Many, many new areas I've yet to explore.  I shall keep Ya'all posted!  :-)

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