Saturday, September 15, 2018

What's New?

Hey!  What's up?  

I know it's been awhile since I last blogged; not much has changed.

I'm still kicking.  I didn't mean to end abruptly on the, Arms of an Angel post.  I just really like that song.  

I refrained from blogging mostly due to technical issues, which with the help of Geek Squad, I just got resolved! Soooo happy about that!  However, I did have some medical excitement.  Without going into all the boring details, I had a hard time functioning at work and it turned out I needed iron, severely!

The hospital gave me what I needed and it fixed me up almost instantly!  I had no symptoms other than the passing out, but in hind sight, I do recall being very tired and out of breath frequently. I just figured it was from getting old and working hard. The doctors checked out the ole ticker and I'm fine.  The MRI showed a growth on my small intestine-- lucky me!  I am happy to say the meds are making the growth go away and I feel great now.  Well, mostly except for a issue in my left hand!  What the heck is happening to me???

I'm right handed, so I reckon, I'll be fine.  ;-)  Okay enough about my medical history, I'm probably sounding like a familiar one of those elderly folks.

So, I let a baby fox in the living room the other day!

Why did I do that, you ask?  Because when nature calls, a gal must answer!
Crickets.  Oh well.
Sylvester, my cat, was looking out the screen door and, all of the sudden puffed up! So, I go look out the door and don't see anything.  I pick up Sylvester, open the door and go out to check the front of the house.  Low and behold-- a little baby fox walks in!  I put Sylvester and Sophie and the cage and got the camera.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing!  A little while later, someone came by looking for their dog. My appointment with the eye doctor is next Monday.   Truth.

 In other news, Lake Michigan is still the spot to go to cool off.

Jean spends many evenings watching the sunset there.  Sometimes I go with her.

This particular beach is located in Michigan City, Indiana.

Besides, relaxing at the beach, the dog park is Sophie's top spot to hang out!

She runs Troy through the obstacles until he is good and tired.

Birds!  Birds are new.  Glady's friend gave her two parakeets, Scuttle and Rio.  I'm still getting to know these birds.  So far, I can tell ya Scuttle is a nice girl, and Rio is a finger biting jerk!  Sylvester has never been happier, or more entertained though!

Speaking of Gladys, she is a freshman this year!

Her current passion is soccer!  She is good at it-- except when she gets yellow carded.  When did soccer become aggressive?  She has had her fingernails ripped off, her nose broke, and possibly a concussion and the season has just begun!  Also, well, perhaps I shouldn't mention her poor opponents.

Let's talk about my passion: work!  One of many of my passions.  I find it exciting to be part of transforming dumpy houses into nice homes.  My latest achievements include putting a new roof on the Wheeler house and garage.

I did have help with the roofing-- thank goodness!  I am working on the siding now.  It may take some time, as the weather plays an important role in this job.  More on that later.

Does anyone need some photo reactor copper compound?  I have no idea, but it's Jean's job in Chemistry, that I don't understand.  Basically, she made really cool blue stuff and has made scientific contributions to the chemistry periodicals!  How about that?  She is a senior in college this year.

Jean enjoys fishing.  Her and I have recently started fishing since, what seems like, forever ago.

We mostly caught smallies out of the yellow river, but had a few other types of fish surprise us, like the largemouth bass she is holding in the above pic.  We have yet to catch anything real big this year-- besides trees, of course.  :-)

Grace fishes with me on occasion too!  Her and I are going to try to make it a weekly habit, as it seems we both need medicinal fishing. Who doesn't, right?   

I'll tell ya what, there are some hungry largemouth bass out there!  Also, plenty of little panfish, bluegills and redears mostly.  Yeah-- it's what was biting!  Where are the bigger fish?  At least it might not be that hard to beat this years personal bests!  ;-)

The blanket bundle my sailor is holding, is Grace.  Circa 1988.

I doubt I'll go all the way back to 1988 to catch up on missed posts, but perhaps some recaps between now and March might be happening.  Stay tuned!  :-)

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