Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Homemade Tip ups

Burr, the weather here has been bitterly cold lately.  The coldness combined with the slush cover on the lakes makes ice fishing resemble work rather than recreation these days.  In order to help with this predicament, I made a couple tip ups.  My thinking is that if I can put out some strategically placed tip ups, I'll feel better about staying cooped up in the shanty.  After all, it's tough getting around when there's a foot of slush, not to mention drilling a bunch of holes through a zillion inches of ice.  My usual tactics of HUNTING down the fish via drilling several holes till I get a nibble, is a bit too extreme even for me in these conditions.  My new approach is to drill a minimal amount of holes to set out tip ups and do my best to attract some fish. 

This first tip up I made is my own rendition of one I studied in A Boy's Life magazine.  It's nothing more than a couple sticks with a doorstop between em, and a wire coat hanger for a stand.  Gladys donated a portion of her pant leg to be used as the flag.  I know it's hard to see, but I have fishing line spooled around two nails on the side of the bigger stick.


Troy was into helping; he sanded the rough cut end of the dowel rod.  A somewhat straight stick would work just as well.  I happened to have most of the stuff needed to make both of these tip ups hanging around in the basement.

The stand (coat hanger) is attached by drilling a hole completely though, and then a couple shallow holes to tuck in the ends.

We painted it up all nice and pretty, then made it DNR approved. 

My concern with the first tip I made is that it WILL SET THE HOOK and possibly rip it right out of some poor fishes mouth.  When the line is tugged, the flag releases and pulls up line, thus, setting the hook. I can make some adjustments if need be.  Can hardly wait to try em out!  

The second tip up, (also pictured), is the old fashioned balanced type.

Jean has had the crafting bug lately too.  Her and Dustball are working on making an Ironman mask.


The idea for this tip up was from an old copy of the Farmers Almanac.  The idea here is, when a fish tugs on the line, the weight (nut), will shift, altering the position of the stick to indicate a fish.

This contraption was made from scrap wood, 2 wire paperclips, a nut, screws and a mostly gone reel of fishing line.

It's important to decorate these tip ups in a fishy fashion.  This way the fish will WANT to come out out of the water and check things out.  (Note-- the first tip up was painted worm pink, to resemble a worm.)

This tip up features a neon indicator instead of a flag.  When this indicator is up-- it means FISH ON!

Nothing like having a few practical Valentine decorations around the house, er... lakes.  :)

The beauty of these tip ups is that they can both be used on the shore, as well as on the ice. 

I'm ready to try them out!!


  1. I remember when you was talking about taking Troy in a stroller to lake Michigan, and other lakes LOL Yesterday if I remember correctly, or seams like it.

  2. Haha-- Yeah, time has been flying by. They grow up quick!

  3. Not real swift with these here internet thing's like blogs, facebook and the such.
    Charlie AKA FishHunt
