Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ice Fishing Summit Causeway

The other day, I ventured out to Lake Summit while the kids were in school.  Before heading straight for the park, I stopped in to check out the bait and tackle shop. 

I met Mike, and he helped me find the ice jigs I needed.

Then his sister, Anita, offered to take me on a tour of Summit and show me the causeway.  I took her up on it.  Wow, what nice people!  I've never ice fished Summit before and she offered a lot of good information.

On my to the causeway, a tiny baby skunk scurried across the road.  It was so cute.  It's in the picture just to the left of the big tree:

I found fish right off the bat-- or maybe I should say the fish found my ice jigged tipped with a spike right off the bat.

I had some nice relaxing me time, and caught my limit of bluegills.  Anita told me the other side of the causeway is a wildlife sanctuary; I don't think anyone told the fish that yet. 


I left the lake shorty after 3PM to be home in time for the kids.

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