Friday, February 7, 2014

Ice Fishing Summit (Main Boat Ramp)

Burrr!  This morning it was -14 here in Pendleton.  The kids had a 2-hour delay from school.  Luckily, the temp is climbing and should reach positive double digits before the end of the day.  In the meantime, my little Sophie gets bundled up every time she goes out.

The girls, (Jean & Mic) and I ice fished Summit Lake the other day.  We got on the ice about 3:30PM and the lake was barren, except for a good amount of snow coverage.

We decided to fish in a cove near the main boat ramp.  I drilled the first hole about 20 feet from the bank and noticed we were in the weeds.  I fished it for a bit, but didn't get any bites.  It was rather shallow-- about 5 feet. Than we headed out to a spot where it was evident someone had spent some time there.  After drilling, I noticed a clearing in the weeds.  We set up the shanty at that spot.  

The girls jigged and had snacks in the shanty while I drilled more holes.  It seems like whenever I find a good spot, as soon as I fish it with my itty bitty jig tipped with a spike I will get a bite.  If not I moved on.

The girls and I took turns drilling.  I'm pretty sure we did more drilling than fishing that day.

The cove was speckled with holes and I went around to each one and jigged.

I was certain sooner or later I'd get a bite.  I changed up jigs, tried tipping with bee moth, tried a bare little black ant, the fish were not very interested. 

Nightfall came and I wonder if the coves are becoming to depleted of oxygen.  Most of the weeds I got stuck on seemed to be dead.  Also, there isn't any light down there due to all snow coverage.  I now know once again, where the fish are not.  

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