Wednesday, December 16, 2015

New Hip

Greetings from the HOSPITAL!

No worries, all is going well.  Glenn had a hip arthroplasty, aka, total hip replacement.  He done wore his old hip out, after 30+ years of practicing taekwondo heavily.  It's amazing how the leg can almost be removed and the hip joint can be replaced-- and everything can still function!!!

We left the house at 5AM, ugh. Glenn may have had the option of returning home the same day, but the pain meds he was given after the surgery, made him ill. 

I was hoping he wold stay a night or two, so that new hip had a chance to settle in, and his body could get accustom to it a bit.  The hospital has gowns that they inflate with hot air now-a-days!  They help  keep the patient warm.  If only I could get me an inflatable ice fishing suit like that!!!  

Six hours after the operation, Glenn was up walking; trying out that new hip!!!   Immediately, he could tell the joint itself felt better than the old decrepit one.

In addition to bandages, the little round bag collects his blood, as hoses are connected to the wound. 

The next day, Glenn began physical therapy.  Him and I attended a class at the hospital.  To complete the class, he had to get in and out of "the car."

He did awesome!  The hospital made a special luncheon for all the rehabilitation patients and coaches.  I took him home later that afternoon.

The house is all set up for his recovery.  The only thing I really had to do was put away some throw rugs.  Walkers and rugs do not get along!  Besides that, I prepared all his favorite foods in advance, so I could have more time to "baby" him.  

Folk's if you're reading this, and a surgery is in your future, it sucks.  There isn't anyway around the pain and the loss of independence.  The best thing to do is focus on the good and embrace all the help.  Helplessness from having major surgery has it's advantages-- enjoy being cared for.  :-)

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