Friday, December 11, 2015


Happy Friday! 

I had company drop by-- a hawk.  Hopefully, this big bird isn't thinking of taking off with Sophie.

The pictures don't really do the size of this bird justice.

Over the weekend I went to the mall and was totally shocked-- what happened to all the kids?!?  No line to see Santa!  What is going on here?

When Grace and Hub were little, and wanted to see Santa, I waited in line with them for days-- or what felt like days anyway.

This year, I kept running into Santa without the kids, and on one occasion, he had an elf with him too!

Mom and I had a booth at a couple of local Christmas events. 

Our goal was to find homes for a bunch of Christmas decorations.  We have been busy spreading Christmas joy!  :-)

Mom gave me this little, adorable pear:

Because I made it for her ages ago.  Back in those days, I felt the second i in my name was redundant.

Troy got to sing in the children's program at church. 

 He is in the third row near the middle.

Troy and I were shopping at the local Walmart, when all of the sudden, we looked down an isle and there's Santa!  No line, and no other kids!  What is going on these days?  I mean, I'm not complaining; I just find it odd.  

Dear Santa, 
If you happen to read this blog, please know, Troy and I still like you.  In fact, you are VERY popular in our household.  We hope you received our letters, and that we made it on the NICE list this year! ;-)
See ya soon,

P.S.  The second i seems redundant.

Gladys did her part in the school concert, with a Cool Yule song!

She also preformed a solo, as a rapping elf!!!

I remember playing Here Comes Santa Claus on the xylophone when I was in 6th grade band class.  To this very day, I can still play a mean xylophone-- at least that song anyways! ;-)

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