Monday, December 28, 2015

More Christmasing

Christmas Day the kiddies opened gifts from Santa-- no lumps of coal at our house this year!

My new, er used, umm-- my Christmas cat, who is five years old and named JC, decided he likes me.

The day after Christmas we went to the in-laws house.

Gifts were exchanged and supper was consumed. We didn't stay long, as Glenn needed to rest and I wanted to get back to my cat!

Christmas lasts for an entire season, beginning at Thanksgiving and ending sometime after New Years!

I don't know if it's like that for everyone, but it's how we do it at my house.

The week after Christmas usually resembles the inside of a toy store.  That is to say-- toys are all over the place!

I made a Cranberry salad to bring to supper.  Shhhh, there really isn't much cranberry in it, mostly it consists of marshmallows and Cool Whip.
The next day, Jean, Jamie, Gladys and I went ice skating.

It was Gladys Christmas gift from Jean.

The rink is in downtown Valparaiso.  The mild weather wasn't a problem for this ice rink!

So many kids were ice skating, and they are MANIACS!  It's like playing kid ice hockey as they drop and apparently ya sorta have to kick em out of the way.  What I witnessed was brutal folks! 

I didn't get to skate or kick any kids out of the way, as Glenn needed me by his side.

Gladys was doing trick moves and striking poses on the ice.  What a ham!!!  :-)

 The Zamboni was cool to watch; the crowd seemed to be memorized by it.

If only there were fish to be caught under that ice!  ;-)


  1. Gal, Are you going to post anymore? I hope so!!!! How's your OLD MAN doing? Waiting for more pics ANGEL.

  2. Yes, sorry for the lapse, things have been crazy busy here. He is doing much better, thanks!
