Saturday, January 16, 2016

Happy New Years!

Hiya Folks!

I hope Ya'all had a wonderful New Years; mine was rather low key.  I stayed home and played in a box with the kids!   Yes, boxes are still being played with more than the toys around here!  Troy turned one into his bed, and fell asleep watching tv.

JC, aka HideeBall, is the new cat here.  He is a Nervous Nelly!  I know in the pic below he looks relaxed with his foot propped up on Sophie, but the truth is, he still has not settled in here yet.

I'm actually concerned for his health.  He has gone on a hunger strike.  He refuses to eat and his cat suit is becoming very loose on him!  I know he is traumatized from the death of his previous owner. 
He is also very timid around the kids here and this place tends to be the hubbub of the neighborhood.
Thus, for the sake of this poor cat, I have begun to look for a quiet home for him.  He needs a place where he can unwind and deal with his issues without being terrified that a kid will pet him.  I wouldn't mind having a place to unwind myself...

I was hoping to be able to do so on the ice while fishing.  However, the local lakes have not iced over enough for my liking, and some not at all.  

In all fairness, I could have fished a few days in a shallow bay from the ice.  Unfortunately, I was tied up and couldn't get out.

I do think the weather will cooperate soon and when it does, those fish better be hungry!

In other news, the kiddies are in soccer at the church.  They have games every Saturday from now till March.  (Ughh)  It's a good thing they are so darn cute.  ;-)

In addition to soccer, Gladdie is also on the school basketball team.  Pics of her in action will be coming soon. 

Speaking of what's next-- I am planning on making some minor changes to the blog including adding new recipes.  Stay tuned! 

P. S. -- the husband is doing fair, according to the physical therapist.  He is well on the road to recovery and is currently able to walk with only the aid of his cane. 

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