Thursday, January 21, 2016

3 Eating Light Ideas & My New Fish

Hi Ya'All!  

Does anyone notice the POPULAR widget I added?  It keeps track of the most popular blog posts!  How cool is that?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

I've been experimenting with some new recipes; specifically, foods I normally do not care for much.

Now that sounds crazy I know, but it's all in effort to eat better.  Besides, the weirdest thing is that I have been CRAVING mushrooms!  Mushrooms-- for heaven's sake!!!  I don't even like mushrooms all that much.  I mean on a scale from chocolate to dirt, mushrooms are only second away from dirt!  Of course chocolate is completely at the other end of the spectrum.

Anyway, I had hopes of getting cute little button mushrooms, or something small, but all the grocery store had was big ole portobellos.  So, I loaded em with a mix of herbs and low fat cheese, natch.

I'm happy to announce that the mushrooms weren't half bad and I no longer have a craving for em.  I believe that reinforces my theory that cheese can make it better! ;-)

Another new recipe I tried recently is chicken lettuce wraps.  Now this one wasn't too daring, as I tend to have a tortilla wrap every so often.  Basically, it's the same concept only without the tortilla.

Seasoned grilled chicken wrapped up with your choice of veggies and a light dressing makes for a light and healthy lunch.  Boy, was it messy!

It didn't taste bad, but my shredded carrots, and tomatoes kept trying to escape.  Perhaps the romaine leaf was loaded to much.  Eh, at least I got some good vitamins in. 

Hey-- I got a new fish!  Incidentally, JC the cat has a new, calm and quiet home.  (Just thought I'd throw that in there.)

My fish is an American fish-- the package says so!

The house I live in has electric baseboard heat and is supplemented with electric space heaters.  It doesn't do much for keeping moisture in the air. Thus, in effort to hydrate the air so my family and I don't look like a batch of sun dried tomatoes, I use a humidifier. 

The fish swims around in there and cleans most of the bacteria that will build up over time.  

I put out a crocheted heart rug for Valentines Day.  This may be the extent of my decorating this year.  Hard to say, sometimes I make the house look all cutesy, and other times I don't. 

Today, I worked in Troy's bedroom helping him pick up his toys.  The little guy is fighting off a nasty cough.  I set up the vaporizer in there along with some refreshing eucalyptus and pine candles.  FYI-- candles and kids usually aren't the best match, but I was diligently keeping watch on both.  :-)


The third new recipe is a chocolate shake.  I know what you're thinking, but trust me, it's light.  It's made with a frozen banana, cocoa powder, PB2 powder, and almond milk.

The texture was good, it was even a bit frothy at first.  My opinion of the drink was so/so.  I think I actually prefer fruit smoothies over the chocolate and peanut butter flavors.  Nonetheless. it's a fast way to down some protein without consuming a bunch of calories.

Sooo, even though none of my recipe posts made the All Time Most Popular List, I will still continue to blog about cooking cause it's what I do.  And oddly what some folk's have requested.  Ya'All can expect to see some fishing posts in the near future as well. 

Peace Out!  :-)

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