Friday, November 15, 2013

I'm Back!

Sorry for the lapse.  Come New Years Day I experienced several technical troubles that impeded my intentions to continue blogging.  Then shortly after, I was drugged up on pain meds for my foot/leg  troubles for several months.  The good news is I am back.

Starting off this post with a caboose may indeed be backward, but I was told the unexpected is what makes excitement!

To begin the year of 2013 we spent the New Year's holiday at the Indy Children's museum.

We practically had the entire museum to ourselves for the first half of the day!  It was so peaceful and quiet that I spotted an extremely rare, Troyasour laying his eggs.  :)

 Troy tried his hand at ice fishing:

 And caught a whopper of a fish!

Gladdie preferred the sock skate pond.

Yes, the girl in the green shirt next to Gladdie is Jamie.  She came down from Chicago to spend the afternoon with us.

The day at the museum ended with the kids in this sweet ride!


During winter of 2013 we did some traveling and visited with my favorite uncle, Bobby and his wife, Laurie.

Grace and Sophie being silly:

Christmas at Mom's was celebrated after New Year's.

 Driving back to Pendleton with one sleeping kid in tow.


One of our basketball stars:

Disney on Ice:


Sophie-- the Cotton Candy Queen.

Isn't her haircut darling?

Can anybody help us stack are snowballs?

New tkd recruits:

Before I new it we were well into March and I had to have foot surgery.

I crochet Sophie this new doggie sweater: 

With a latch hook heart:

My foot almost ready for the stitches to be removed:

 We played here after the stitches were out:

Gladys banged her head on a turn inside a water slide:

Then came prom; Jamie and Jean taking a break from getting dolled up:

Mom and Sophie taking a break too:

Pretty, pretty!

Shopped and bought a new computer:

Soccer season with Amy and the Gladdiator:


Me and my guy, Frankie:

Mom got to visit with us for a few days.  The Jeans:

Lexi is hanging out with us for awhile.  Her and Jean dressed as cowgirls.  Troy was a vampire.  Gladdie was a ninja. Sophie was a fairy. 

Mic (note her freaky red contacts) and Jean ready for a zombie party:

I did manage to fish a bit with my favorite fishing sweetie, Sophie.  Dontcha just love how intend she is on greeting that fish. If I show her the fish before I release it then she just chills.  Otherwise she will actually jump into the water after my fish.  She has successfully retrieved them too.  (Here ya go, you dropped your fish!)

I feel like I look like my niece Michelle in this really bad attempt at a selfie to show off my newly cut bangs :

Yes, I ironed my hair.  The funnest part was watching the steam rise as it straightens and dries.  Neato!

The first real snowfall of the year came rather early:

Gladys walking in the Pendleton Christmas Parade for Girl-scouts:

Ditto for Jean and Glenn, except they were representing the tkd school at the YMCA.

Over the past several months, these were just some of the pic worthy highlights.  I'm excited to get back to snapping photo's and blogging once again.  :)

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