Monday, November 18, 2013

The Storm

Hello, from Fall's Park again!
Yes, I practically live at the park.  

Troy and I went for a hike.  We wanted to get some exercise in before the storms hit.

Here's a portion of the creek before the storm: (Note how clear the water is.)

Glenn had a terribly sore throat, so I brought him home Secrets and one of his favorite snacks-- chips:

My latest craft project in works is a tribute to Dustball.  I still have a ways to go. 

The storm hit, and to my surprise we didn't even lose power!   This was the view afterward, from my front porch: 
See the rainbow?

We were very fortunate as several surrounding communities had quite severe weather damage.  Dustball was checking to see if the kids had school the next morning.  He's a little near sighted:

The dogs and I ventured out on Monday, to?

-- you guessed it, the park!
 It was quite flooded: (Note how stained the water is.)

The kids were happy to get to have Wii time:

And computer time:

Glenn and I worked on another hobby we have been dabbling in-- wine making.  We bottled a nice batch of homemade Grape/Oak Merlot.  The plan is to let it be for a few years in the cellar.

 Cheers, till next time!

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