Tuesday, January 27, 2015

2015 Valparaiso Derby

My, my, how time is flying by!  This past Saturday, Friends of Fishing hosted an ice fishing derby at Loomis Lake, in Valparaiso.  

The derby started at 6AM, with a 5AM registration time, which means, us helpers had to arrive extra early.  Some competitors arrived wild-eyed and ready to fish!!! :)

Outside on the lake was Shantyville:

Everyone was busy trying to reel in a prize fish.

The ice was glossy and slippery from the nice mild weather melting the protective layer of snow off.

 After the morning registration rush, I took walk to see how my kiddos were doing getting set-up.

I brought out the shanty from the truck.

While I was setting it up, Ben, was reeling in fish!  :)

I really, really, wanted to fish, but there was so much to do!

  Troy and Sierra were on the way, so I attempted to set up a deer blind.

It was rather tricky.

With a little help from friends, we got it done!

 Frank and Philip did there best to accommodate the kids and find fish.

The fish just didn't want to cooperate.  
 Jean put in a request for coffee.

As I made my way back to the registration building, I admired the biggest fish caught that morning; a walleye over 25inches long!

 Folk's were into fishing and being social; it made for some nice comeraderie.

Life is good, with scenes like this:

Kim and Sierra arrived and I walked them back to the shanty.  It was their very first time on the ice!

While I was gone, Jean reeled in a fish.

Back at the registration building, Charlotte and Wayne prepared lunch.

Before I knew it, the time was getting close for the awards.

We begin packing things up.

Folk's made there way back to the registration building.

Frank and the girls had a good time fishing.

Folk's gathered around in anticipation for PRIZE TIME!

We could have probably squeezed another 100 or so folk's in there!

 Happy Winners!

Manny was really collecting the winnings, as his catches won multiple places!

Fishing derbies have become one of my favorite events.

It's nice to see everyone is gathered around after trying there best on the the lake.

And to see, what all that lake has produced in a few short hours.

More than that though, the feeling of knowing I'm not alone in my insane love for fishing is somehow reassuring and encouraging.

 Friends of Fishing has done an outstanding job on bringing folk's together for these derbies.

I hope Laporte has a good turn out at the Helping Heroes Derby next Saturday.

I'm even more stoked about it now, since enjoying the fun at the Valpo derby!

Derby Days!!!!  Yay!

A big thanks goes out to all who made this derby Rock'n Roll!


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