Saturday, January 17, 2015

Does This Make You Uncomfortable?

So, I mentioned to my buddy Rich that I am involved in teaching kids to fish, helping out at derbies, and speaking to crowds on topics in which I am still learning about.  His reply was-- Sounds to me as if you are asking for trouble!  :)  Yeah,... it's what I do.  All the above make me somewhat uncomfortable seeings as how I'm actually a shy person on the inside.

It's fun stuff though!  I hope Ya'all are enjoying this winter as much as I am.

Earlier in the week, Troy went with Garrett and I on another fishing adventure and it was rather windy out.  Despite our best efforts to calm him and distract him from being afraid, the poor little guy was terrified.  Wind and my ice shanty is not the best mix, as I have shanty sailed in it on more than one occasion.

Luckily, his big sister came to the rescue!

Grace and Joe came out to the lake and picked him up.

I felt I let him down as a parent because I wanted to teach him to overcome his fear and embrace the frustration of the moment.  I tried to negotiate a deal with Troy of leaving after he caught a fish, in hopes that he would stick it out and feel as though he had successfully conquered his fear.  Finally, in the end, I sympathized with him and let him seek comfort. 

My point in sharing all this, is that we all face situations from time to time that make us uncomfortable and we can gain fulfillment from overcoming it.  For example, a lake with a rather odd freezing pattern made me uncomfortable. If the fear of falling in an ice cold lake wasn't bad enough, the adventure that day carried a sense of frustration and failure, because I didn't catch a single fish.   Eh, it happens.

Learning is not a comfortable process.  Failure and inadequacy lead to experiencing the growth needed for success.  To miss out and avoid being uncomfortable might mean missing out on the knowledge and fulfillment that comes with it.  I'm craving the high that comes with beating the failure and inadequacies.  I can't wait to go back and show those fish in that lake who's boss!

That's why I wanted Troy to stay, so he could feel that he overcame his fear. 

I'm certain in time, that he too will have the ambition and crave that desire to conquer his fear. 

Challenge Yourself!!!

Own the day, and come the end, know what it takes to say YEAH to the adventure.

Learn it!


Do it, and be uncomfortable!  The most enriching events often start with being uncomfortable, then are followed by a feeling of great relaxation.  Fishing is like that for me.  I'm in a place beyond productivity when I fish, I get to just be.  I crave adventure and need to get uncomfortable. 

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