Sunday, October 4, 2015

Popcorn & Scarecrow Festivals

Howdy!  Here in northwest Indiana, it's festival time!

The first festival this season that I got to attend was the Valparaiso Popcorn Fest.

Not only did I get to attend, but I got to volunteer at the Friends of Fishing booth.  FOF had a game set up for folk's to play and win.  It was a fun way to get the word out about our fishing club!

In other news, I'm teaching Jean how to drive a motorcycle.  She is doing great, and the Rebel is a good size to learn on.  A clutch is something rather new for Jean. 

The Scarecrow Festival in Wanatah, Indiana, is another fest I got to attend.

I used to live in this adorable little town, so it's nice to visit familiar faces.

Jean visited the ponies that she used to ride every single year since she could remember! ;-)

I enjoyed being in tourist mode and browsing.

The hay wagon rides are also a hit at the Scarecrow Fest.

The tractor makes stops at the car show, the American Legion, and the town square.

The car show had a great turn out!

When I used to live in Wanatah, my family and I would donate tae kwon do lessons to the merchant giveaway.  It was really funny, because the people with the wining tickets for the lessons was either very elderly, or had a broken leg!  True story!

The kids wanted to check out the park.

I was happy to see the ole swinging gate was still there; that's so fun to play on!!!

Tall slides with a big ole mud puddle at the end, merry-go-rounds, golden gates, and swings that can take an under-dog maneuver-- ahhh, the good ole play ground!!!   :-)

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