Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Pumpkin Pickin

It's pumpkin pickin time around these parts! 

The local pumpkin patch, Coulter's, is always a fun place to visit.

I don't mind browsing the store, but my favorite part is riding out to the massive pumpkin patch.

Photo props are all over that place!

Eeeee, finally time to pick some pumpkins!

The kiddos were psyched and ready for the pumpkin patch!

What did one Jack-O-Lantern say to the other?

Cut it out!!!!    Bahahahaha.   :-)

Ya'all might think finding that perfect pumpkin is easy.  It's not.  Unless you're Troy.

He found his right off the bat.  Us girls were not so lucky, we had to search through millions and millions, (ok, fourteen), of pumpkins before finding "the ONE"!

(Harp Music)--  I found it!

Oooooh, and then I seen the white one.  It was a tough decision, but I went with the classic orange pumpkin. ;-)

After awhile, I began feeling like Linus from the Peanuts.

I wasn't sure that we were ever gonna leave so I embraced the pumpkin patch life and did my Linus impersonations. 

I waited and waited in that most sincere pumpkin patch as the sun began to set.  :-)

I had the same luck as Linus-- the Great Pumpkin stood me up.  At least I didn't miss out on Trick's n Treats!  ;-)

Speaking of Trick or Treat-- Did I mention that the kids talked me into dressing up as a green witch one year, so I could collect candy with em? 

Yeah, they did, and I did, and all was going well until...

Gladys and Troy were recognized!!!  You see, no one would have guessed I wasn't a kid.  (Sometimes being short has it's advantages.)

Gladys and Troy wouldn't stay in character or keep their costumes on-- toddlers are like that!

One of the houses we trick or treated happened to be where their pediatrician lived.

Soo, I come to the door begging for candy and the Doc say's-- Hi Kristina!  I'm pretty sure I turned from a green witch, to a red one, in the matter of a few seconds! 

This year, the plan is to ditch the kids and get a better costume.  JK, I'll be the MOM.  :-)

Unless, I feel like living on the edge! ;-)

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