Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Pumpkin Carving

After the trip to the punkin patch we did some carving!

Isn't Sophie the sweetest pup ever?

The kids did almost everything all by themselves this year.  I only helped Troy cut out the lid.

I tried something different with mine:

It was easy, AND the kids thought I had gone bonkers!  A win/win in my book. ;-)

I brought out yarn and kept em guessing.

It didn't take much time at all.

Gladdie was busy making Squidward.

Jean had Minion ideas.


The pumpkin was sooo round that I had to slice off a section from the bottom, so it wouldn't roll around!

Troy named his punkin Bob.

Bob has a tail:

Here's Bob's selfie:

Gladdie made a self portrait, after attempting to make a Squidward.

Jamie carved a cat into her punkin.

Jean changed her mind about the minion and made this guy instead:

Are ya scared yet? :-)


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