Sunday, November 15, 2015

Grilled Cheese & Washer Grime

Eee Gaaads!  It's been awhile since I've been on here-- I mean-- at my computer!

I have been planning a Hawaiian vacation.  Aloha!!!

And pretending I'm all ready there, out on the ole pontoon at Pine Lake. 

Docks were being put away, and the fall weather rolled in.  The Indiana weather makes pretending to be in Hawaii a real challenge at times.  :-/

My buddy and I ate grilled turkey, cheese and apple sandwiches. 

Sliced brie, on French bread all warm and gooey-- it's delicious.

Layered with thinly sliced apple, smoked turkey, and sweet apple butter...  yummm.

The combination of sweet and savory make an awesome sandwich.

Grilling and eating on the pontoon is fun, but ya know it's getting cold out when the cheese takes awhile to melt! 

Back on land, I've got nothing new to tell ya all about except-- I cleaned the laundry room!  Oh exciting, I know! (rolling eyes)

The washing machine has a grime problem, and it's not going anywhere.  I've tried scrubbing it away, and yet it remains.

I have a feeling the culprit to the grime is sunlight coming in and baking wetness like a fungus factory.

Anywhoo, I put a bunch of cotton balls in a mug and drenched em with bleach.

Then decorated the grimy part of the washer, in hopes that the problem would be gone come morning.

Sad to say, the grime wasn't entirely gone, but being optimistic, I think it may have faded a bit.  Hmmm, is this what my blogging has come to?  I think I need to go fishing!!!  :-) 

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