Friday, November 20, 2015

House Shopping

Good news, Folk's-- there's NO washer grime in this post!  Also, thanks for all the encouraging emails.  

I was having a home movie night watching Pixels with the family, when the candle suddenly BURST INTO FLAMES!  The thing just went berserk and flared up.  How about that!?

Fall is upon us here in Northwest Indiana!

Even though it's time to don our coats, and I am often knee ankle deep in leaves, I still like the brisk weather!

My house windows are frequently open, but I think that may change soon, as snow is in tonight's forecast.

Speaking of freezing temps, I've been cooking healthy foods for quick and easy breakfasts.  Breakfast burritos are a HUGE hit here at home!

I like cereal well enough too.  The trouble is, this box of cereal has about a 3 second survival rate around here.  The kids eat it like it's made of 100% SUGAR or something!

Anyways, hot breakfasts are awesome.  As are cozy, snuggle blankets on the sofa.

Mom has a whole bunch of Christmas items that she wants to find homes for.

I've been helping her get them ready for a Christmas Bizzar.

Her house is like a trip to the North Pole right now!

And I guess that means I am an Elf!  ;-)

Besides, planning a trip to Hawaii, which I am super excited about, and working as an elf, I am house shopping.  My crew and I:

We all wear masks, because the types of houses I am looking at are good candidates for toxic spores from mold and other undesirable things to breath in.

The vacant house smelled like a wet basement, but I did see potential in fixing it up.

At first, the place didn't seem that bad.

It even had a deep, clawfoot, bathtub that I was delighted with.

I thought some of the other features in the house were interesting as well.

The basement wasn't caving in-- it was just an ordinary basement.

Every room in the house needed a fair amount of work.

The worst issue was the ceilings-- a few rooms had such extensive roof damage that the only thing between sky and house was a tarp!

The mice didn't seem to mind though!!!! 

The reason I am house shopping is to make some money and have fun doing so.  Buying a super cheap house makes the risk of investing seem more comfortable.

The idea is to buy cheap, fix it up, and sell it for plenty more.  Shopping for the perfect project is exciting!!!

Although, I could come up with several good ideas for this property, including total demolition (our specialty) due to the structural damage and mold, I decided to keep looking.

Hey-- tonight is Glady's last night as an 11 yr old!  Can you believe how fast the time flies?

Tomorrow is her birthday/slumber party!  Well, I got an ice cream cake to make!  Later Gators!

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