Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Happy Halloween!

I hope Ya'All had an exciting Halloween!  Purdue held it's annual Halloween party, which we attended.  Gladys couldn't wait to get a pic of me in a monster suit!!!  Be scared!

Ninja Troy, and California Beach Girl Gladys played games and won prizes.

 It was a fun time for me watching the kids play and catching up with coworkers.

Troy was into playing the games! 

And keeping resting souls in the graveyard safe!

 Hey-- I see a monster in the background!  Is that supposed to me?

I had to ask everybody I seen if they knew where I could find Jean!!!   ;-) Who woulda guessed she was at work!  :-)

Trick-or-Treat!  Yes, I'm sweet.  Gimme a yummy doggie treat!

The kids went Trick-or Treating!

Westville has insect troubles!

And it felt like I was being watched!



After candy collecting the kids take an inventory of the goodies and trade--  I'll give you all my icky Fireballs for One pack of  half eaten M&M's!  Essential bartering skills become finely tuned in this process.  Good Deals!!! 

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