Saturday, September 5, 2015

Have you Seen My Spaceship?

Hi All!  I'm still here.  It's been a crazy couple of weeks!  Jean is now a year older, little Troy can see out both of his eyes now, Glenn is looking at yet another hip surgery, and I'm restoring a motorcycle.
Lately it seems life is happening faster than I can blog it!!!

Jean came over for grilled pork chops, that is her favorite supper.  I fixed potatoes, and corn casserole to go along with the chops, but I was too slow with the camera.

Of course, Jean had to have a birthday cake!  I made her a chocolate chip cookie cheesecake/bars.  She loves chocolate chip cookies, and the cheesecake was a delight. 

Jean recently purchased a new/used car-- nooo, not a Jag!   While we were car shopping, a walking stick was checking out the Jaguar.

Sunday, the church held a special outdoors church service in the town square of Valparaiso; it was interesting and fun!

I happened to park my lawn chair right by this sign:

I haven't seen the Spaceship yet. ;-)

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