I've had this song, Let her Go, by Passenger stuck in my head for awhile now.
All day long, I'm singing it--"only miss the sun when it starts to snow"... catchy tune.
This weekend, I had planned to show off my snowboarding skills. The winter Olympics had me totally psyched up. Just one prob, not enough snow down here.
Awhile back, I got the privilege of volunteering for a Burton's sponsored snowboarding event. Basically, if you had the skills to make it down the hill without wiping out then they stuck an orange vest on ya and recruited you to help teens learn to snowboard.
The main thing I recall is goofing off and making sure the kids had a good time. Usually that meant helping em make there way from the bottom of the hill over to the tow rope, (it's not always that easy to get around strapped onto a board), like I'm being helped in the pic below:
Snowboarding was fun, and after volunteering, I was feeling confident enough to try some tricks. I crashed a lot. Many times, the only thing that got me down the hill without a wipe-out was pure luck. Snowboarding is a thrilling way to spend the evening and the next day I always felt the sore muscles even though at the time, it didn't even feel like exercise.
Well, looking back, maybe it's best I did my normal Saturday routine of going to the Y for basketball and swimming instead of hitting the slopes.
The high today was 47 degrees F. What little snow left hanging around is melting fast. So fast, in fact, that Fall's park is once again badly flooded.
The day started off with a doctor's appointment for Glenn. He is considering having Lasik eye surgery preformed. Like his new shades?

Next, was Gladiators basketball game. I tried to get some good actions shots, but they didn't turn out so hot.
They lost, 15 to 10, but it was good game.
We went for a swim after the game. I tried out some new goggles that worked great! My old ones had weak elastic and would not stay tight after diving.
I did plenty of laps today. Usually, I keep track of both distance and time when swimming for exercise, to monitor my progress. I find it motivating.
However, the kids and I did a lot of diving, so I decided not to be concerned with tracking today. Troy is really making progress with his actual diving technique. (Before he was mostly just jumping into the pool from the board.)
We had the pool all to ourselves for the majority of the time, so it was a good day to take it slow and practice diving.
By the time we left the pool, we were thoroughly wore out, naturally.
After we got back to the house, Glenn grilled out steaks for supper:
And I made salad:

The high today was 47 degrees F. What little snow left hanging around is melting fast. So fast, in fact, that Fall's park is once again badly flooded.
The day started off with a doctor's appointment for Glenn. He is considering having Lasik eye surgery preformed. Like his new shades?
Next, was Gladiators basketball game. I tried to get some good actions shots, but they didn't turn out so hot.
They lost, 15 to 10, but it was good game.
We went for a swim after the game. I tried out some new goggles that worked great! My old ones had weak elastic and would not stay tight after diving.
I did plenty of laps today. Usually, I keep track of both distance and time when swimming for exercise, to monitor my progress. I find it motivating.
However, the kids and I did a lot of diving, so I decided not to be concerned with tracking today. Troy is really making progress with his actual diving technique. (Before he was mostly just jumping into the pool from the board.)
We had the pool all to ourselves for the majority of the time, so it was a good day to take it slow and practice diving.
By the time we left the pool, we were thoroughly wore out, naturally.
And I made salad:
After supper, Sophie and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. Good Day!
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