Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lasik Eye Surgery

The other day, Glenn had Lasik surgery to fix his vision. 


After a brief eye exam, he was given a couple Volume to relax and prepped for surgery.

The operating room has a viewing window and I watched all 7 minutes of the procedure.  Yes, it really is that quick of a surgery.


The monitor on the top, showed a close-up of his eye, and the cutting.

Glenn was awake the entire time and told me the worst part was having his eyelid held open with a suction device.  He experienced very little discomfort.

Immediately after the surgery, the doctor examined his eye again.  Glenn noticed an improvement in his vision right away.  They gave him sunglasses and asked him to go home and sleep.  The next day, he was allowed to drive and return to normal activities.  Excluding swimming for two weeks, and anything that could rub his eye.  No rubbing of the eye!  The doctor also prescribed eye drops to aid in comfort and healing.

The next morning, he awoke with a black eye, but no real pain, only some slight discomfort.  The doc did a routine examine for him and everything looked good. 

I am amazed how far technology has came over the past decade.    Eye surgery in the evening and able to drive the next morning-- how about that!


  1. Technology is great, ahy? Did ya send him back to prison the next day?

    Gary K.

  2. Yes, I try keeping him locked up there as much as possible, but he keeps escaping every night to come home.

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