Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Valentine Celebration!

Wow, what a busy weekend!  I am still so sore from drilling and tromping through the snow.  Good exercise though.  Plus, us goofy goober girls had a real good time.  Nothing like a good shanty explosion to solidify fond memories. :)

Well, even though Valentine's Day is past, Glenn and I made it out for a date.  Glenn's buddy, Bobby aka Shorty, took him out to Cheeseburger in Paradise a few years ago and ever since he has wanted to take me out there to try it. 

Immediately, I liked the relaxed tropical decor.  What a nice change from the extra snowy winter we are experiencing here in Pendleton!   Even though we were just in Indy, the restaurant aviance was like being in the tropics.

The food was delicious.  I had the Aloha Burger, a cheeseburger with a sweet and savory kick of pineapple and teriyaki sauce.   Glenn had a bacon cheeseburger with a fried egg on it.

Afterwards, we went and did a little window shopping at Gander Mountain, a golf store, and the mall.

Later that day, the kids helped me photograph Dustball and Sophie.

Have you ever noticed how perfectly poised the cute animals are on calendars?  I attempted to take a few calendar worthy photos and was reassured that my photography skills still need lots of work.

Oh, also, for Valentine's Day Mom made homemade candles.  She made the two pretty & glittery candles pictured below:

After a short intermission, it was Sophie's turn for a photo shoot.

Sophie and Dustball are little hams in front of the camera. 


Hope ya'all had a good Valentine's Day!

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