Sunday, February 16, 2014

Wawasee Ice Fishing Up in Flames

Yesss, more ice fishing!  Friday, Valentine's Day, Jean, Gladys and I, went to Lake Wawasee to ice fish.  We accessed the lake at the Oakwood resort.

The lake had a thick crusty snow cover all over it, with 18+ inches of solid ice underneath.

The girls set up house, (the shanty), as I drilled a few holes and set out tip ups.

The new tip ups worked out well, but we still had the minnow at the end of the day.  We also had an explosion in our shanty, and ended our fishing a bit earlier than expected.  The temperature was dropping as the sun was going down.  The three of us were fishing inside the shanty, in rather close quarters, nice and cozy with our Mr. Heater.  Then it quit working and shut itself off.  I thought perhaps it was tipped, (and has an auto shut off), because as we shuffled around, it's possible someone may have bumped it.  Anyways, as I turned the knob to low, it went---- VoooOOSH-- up in FLAMES!  I screamed and threw the ball of flames heater out of the shanty.  It continued to burn until we suffocated it with enough snow.  I decided to take that as a sign to head in for the evening.  We were all very lucky to still have eyebrows. 

We drove to Warsaw where we stayed the night at the Wyndham hotel.

Right away, we changed into our swimsuits to thaw out in the hot tub and swimming pool.

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