Monday, September 29, 2014

Barn Sale

Hello!  I hope everyone had a good weekend.  Mine was busy, tiring, and fun-- I had a sale with my nephew, Robbie and his wife, Janet, at there place.  

Mom, Roni, Jean and her friends also joined in.  Usually when our family has a garage sale, it's kind of like a big swapping of things between relatives, with the occasional outsider purchasing something-- like a Tupperware lid for 10 cents.

However, since I now live in a small house, I've been parting with things left and right.  And I have no plans to replace them.  The sale was a big hit both weekends and we plan to do one more before winter, as I had so much inventory, not everything got unpacked.

Gladys helped to draw people in as she practiced a gymnastic routine on the sidewalk.  :)

The kids also kept busy by selling lemonade.

Every evening of the sale I was soo tired.  This past Saturday evening, I went to visit a friend, Kristen, whom I hadn't seen in what I thought was 27 years. While I was visiting with Kristen, she told me we used to work for the state together as officers.  Shockingly, I do not remember working with her.  I want to, and I can recall other events in that time frame.  I wish I knew how to recall memories of working with her.  

After leaving Kristen's place, I got lost heading to Laporte.  Dang it-- what is happening to my memory these days?  I was on my way to see the movie, Heaven Is for Real, at the old theater (which is now a church), thanks to Pastor Mike Sutton.  He has made some positive change in the community.  The outreach movie night was a full house!

Sunday, it was back to the sale, and I was giving things away, (or trying to anyhow).

Customers flowed in and bought a considerable amount. 

If anyone so much as inquired about an item, I made sure they went home with it.  I kept expecting to see things looking empty, and that didn't happen until the very end.

Come Sunday evening, everything outside was cleared away except for a few piles left to donate.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Benny Hill & Woolly Bears

Guess What?  I'll give ya a hint-- it's something used for cooking.

I got a STOVE!!! :)  I'm also excited about about the bubble wrap-- that stuff is fun.  Pop, poppity, pop.  The house is now ready for this baby, and I'm looking forward to cooking things up!

Lately, I've not had time to cook.  I've been busy working at Mom's; getting ready for another sale.

This sale will be the last one for awhile, as I will have given away and sold almost everything I own. I actually find it quite liberating.

My brother, Robbie, is trying to adjust to his hereditary issues.  That is to say, he has a bald spot on the top of his head.  (See above pic.)  To cover up this problem he modeled a wig I have for sale. (See pic below.)

Guys, PLEASE, let this be a lesson to ya All.  If you're going bald, accept it, embrace it even, and move on.  Just don't put on a Benny Hill wig.

I personally like bald.  I mean, baldness seems genuine like-- this is who I am take it or leave it, and I admire that.  Even for women, it projects a strength of confidence, like-- I'm a fighter of cancer or I shaved my head to be unique.  Anyway, no matter who you are or what your circumstance, you're probably not going to benefit from a Benny Hill wig.

Anyone wanna buy a wig? :)  How about some raw mohair?  See, these things of my past are leaving.

While I was busy getting perfume bottles to smile for a group photo, a caterpillar came cruising by.

The Woolly Bear caterpillar, according to Dr. Curran, published in the 1956 Farmer's Almanac, is said to signify a winter's harshness.  If the brown band of the Woolly Bear covers more than 1/3 of the caterpillars body, it signifies a mild winter.  What do Ya'all think?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Pumpkin Princess

Hi There!  

No Worries, everyone is okay now.  Grace, my oldest daughter, had a severe asthma attack.  She was released from the hospital today, after being there for several days. (Thank Goodness!)

Lately, if it's not one thing, it's another.  Gladys too, is doing much better as she convalesces.  In fact, so much so, she went bowling the other day.

Bowling is something I do more of in the winter to help cure cabin fever. 

However, the kids were eager to visit Inman's once again; their old play land.

It's a good thing I had a chance to practice, because I really need to. Troy, and his bumper lined lane, beat me.  Shhhhh.

Gladys has also been busy running for Pumpkin Festival Princess! 

She organized her friends together and they all had fun working on decorating cans for the donations.

 The girl with the most pennies (votes) in her can, becomes the new Pumpkin Princess.

The decorated cans were placed at the businesses around the little town of Westville.

All two of them, (grin).  JK-- Westville is growing and we placed a total of 12 cans around town.

Gladys is having a good time running for Pumpkin Princess.

As for me, I've dressed our cement yard ornament in a cow costume.

And have been busy parting with treasures I've collected over the years.  I don't know why I like antiques so much, but I just do.  I guess it's because I appreciate the handmade craftsmanship of things like this beauty:
I'm guessing the all wood toolbox is from the turn of the century circa 1900.  Doesn't it just say organize something?  :)

Friday, September 12, 2014


Hi Everyone! 

We attended a carnival yesterday at the nursing home where Gracie works at.

Grace and her new dog, Shadow, joined us for supper there.

Mom too.

Inside the cafeteria is a pretty aviary.

Bird watching is nice entertainment.

More excitement was outside.

We all played games and won prizes.

Ring the Pop game was a big hit!

The kids, Mom and I all won pop!  :)

Gladys has been going through a hard time with her health lately.  It was nice that she was able to get out and have some fun.

The autumn weather arrived yesterday as well.

Grace and Gladys were comfortable in t-shirts, but I had on a hoodie and was still chilly.

I am looking forward to getting an oven/stove soon.  This change in weather has got me in a baking mood.

Ever since the move, I've hardly cooked anything.  Most meals have been consisting of sandwiches or cereal.  My family hasn't complained a bit though. Hmmm.  :)

 Troy was into riding the pony.  He's got a little bit of cowboy in em.

Doesn't he look proud?  The lady offered to help him on and he declined to show her how he does it all by himself. :)

It was so cute as they walked away, cause he turned around and was like-- ain't you coming with me Mom?

Meanwhile, Gladys got on the biggest horse she could find.

She was ready to trot off through the streets of Valparaiso.

Gladys didn't look back.

She enjoyed the ride.

Even though they limited her trick riding to not holding on with both hands.  Hehe.

She got snow coned.

And Troy got cotton candied.

Then we got to go home.

Good Times. :)