Friday, September 26, 2014

Benny Hill & Woolly Bears

Guess What?  I'll give ya a hint-- it's something used for cooking.

I got a STOVE!!! :)  I'm also excited about about the bubble wrap-- that stuff is fun.  Pop, poppity, pop.  The house is now ready for this baby, and I'm looking forward to cooking things up!

Lately, I've not had time to cook.  I've been busy working at Mom's; getting ready for another sale.

This sale will be the last one for awhile, as I will have given away and sold almost everything I own. I actually find it quite liberating.

My brother, Robbie, is trying to adjust to his hereditary issues.  That is to say, he has a bald spot on the top of his head.  (See above pic.)  To cover up this problem he modeled a wig I have for sale. (See pic below.)

Guys, PLEASE, let this be a lesson to ya All.  If you're going bald, accept it, embrace it even, and move on.  Just don't put on a Benny Hill wig.

I personally like bald.  I mean, baldness seems genuine like-- this is who I am take it or leave it, and I admire that.  Even for women, it projects a strength of confidence, like-- I'm a fighter of cancer or I shaved my head to be unique.  Anyway, no matter who you are or what your circumstance, you're probably not going to benefit from a Benny Hill wig.

Anyone wanna buy a wig? :)  How about some raw mohair?  See, these things of my past are leaving.

While I was busy getting perfume bottles to smile for a group photo, a caterpillar came cruising by.

The Woolly Bear caterpillar, according to Dr. Curran, published in the 1956 Farmer's Almanac, is said to signify a winter's harshness.  If the brown band of the Woolly Bear covers more than 1/3 of the caterpillars body, it signifies a mild winter.  What do Ya'all think?

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