Friday, September 12, 2014


Hi Everyone! 

We attended a carnival yesterday at the nursing home where Gracie works at.

Grace and her new dog, Shadow, joined us for supper there.

Mom too.

Inside the cafeteria is a pretty aviary.

Bird watching is nice entertainment.

More excitement was outside.

We all played games and won prizes.

Ring the Pop game was a big hit!

The kids, Mom and I all won pop!  :)

Gladys has been going through a hard time with her health lately.  It was nice that she was able to get out and have some fun.

The autumn weather arrived yesterday as well.

Grace and Gladys were comfortable in t-shirts, but I had on a hoodie and was still chilly.

I am looking forward to getting an oven/stove soon.  This change in weather has got me in a baking mood.

Ever since the move, I've hardly cooked anything.  Most meals have been consisting of sandwiches or cereal.  My family hasn't complained a bit though. Hmmm.  :)

 Troy was into riding the pony.  He's got a little bit of cowboy in em.

Doesn't he look proud?  The lady offered to help him on and he declined to show her how he does it all by himself. :)

It was so cute as they walked away, cause he turned around and was like-- ain't you coming with me Mom?

Meanwhile, Gladys got on the biggest horse she could find.

She was ready to trot off through the streets of Valparaiso.

Gladys didn't look back.

She enjoyed the ride.

Even though they limited her trick riding to not holding on with both hands.  Hehe.

She got snow coned.

And Troy got cotton candied.

Then we got to go home.

Good Times. :)

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